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We spent about an hour just talking everything out.

It was true, everyone was feeling stress. It is normal.

What isn't normal is the amount of worry in my poor y/n's mind.

She shouldn't have to go through this, so I am going to try as hard as possible to help her.

Her happiness has always been my number one priority, even before we were dating.

What can I say, I love her too much to see her suffer unnecessarily.

I was aware of the time and knew that everyone would be coming back to the common room at any moment, so I placed one hand in y/n's hair and the other on her hip and stood up, holding her close to me.

"Everyone's gonna be coming up now baby. We are going to my bed, okay?" I whispered in her ear.

A muffled reply could be heard but not deciphered; her head was buried in my chest and appeared to be... sniffing?

Once we made it up the stairs, I lay her on the bed and stuck a piece of parchment on the door.

"Knock." Was neatly written in my handwriting.

"Listen-" I started, but y/n cut me off with a head shake.

"I'm not going to worry until after exams. I can't afford to let this ruin my future." She spoke so confidently, but I knew it was a mask.

A mask for the hurt underneath.

Suddenly, my favourite pair of soft lips were on mine, a beautiful hand grasping the material of my jumper, pulling me closer.

I didn't hesitate to kiss back, stroking her cheek with my hands.

We broke the kiss for air, her skin glowing a more normal tone.

I smiled.

Mission accomplished.

"What are you grinning at Wolfbaby, we have some cramming to do." She said playfully.

I stood up, drawing myself as big as I could.

"Who are you calling wolfbaby? I'm a wolfMAN." I replied, putting on the macho look.

Some giggles and tickles later, we made our way downstairs to the common room to revise.

Before entering, I checked her face again, just to make sure she was ready.

A reassuring smile plastered her face.

That was all I needed to open the door and stroll to our favourite spot by the fire.

AN: 427 words. Just a little fluff break to separate from all that ✨d r a m a✨ But don't worry, we have plenty in store xx Hope you all enjoyed, interact so I know someone did! Love you all :)

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