Studying Problems

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"Eat up dumbass." You joked. He took a large bite and winked at you before letting you return to your work.

*time skip brought to you by my missing will to live*

OWL's were three weeks away, and the students were now in full study mode.

Well, most of them.

James groaned into his History of Magic book. "Why didn't I start with you, y/n. You should have forced us to revise with you." He whined.

You laughed warmly. "Yeah right, like you would have done it back then."

"Oh, to be my younger, stress free self." Sirius mused dramatically. Peter snorted, lobbing a liquorice wand at him.

It missed, striking into Olive's hair. She removed it and took a bite without even looking up from her parchment, chewing gratefully.

"Thanks Wormy, I was hungry." Olive stated. At this, Hannah got up. "Yeah you are right Olive. We are all hungry. Tell you what, let's pause the work and go get something to eat. It's dinner now so if we go quick we might catch the end of it."

No one immediately responded, all scribbling down a final sentence or finishing highlighting their paragraphs.

After a split second delay, Sirius, James, Olive and Peter were up with Hannah. "Alright geniuses, when do you plan on feeding yourselves?" Asked Olive, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"We don't." Said Lily. I nodded in agreement, Remus not even bothering to acknowledge a conversation was taking place.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "We will try bring you back some food. Godric knows if we didn't you wouldn't eat."

With that, the group left, leaving y/n, Remus and Lily alone together.

The first few moments were peaceful, only the sound of quills scratching parchment and the occasional page turning or sigh.

I looked up to see Lily and Remus having a silent argument with each other.

"What are you two on about?" I asked out loud.

Remus' cheeks went a shade darker pink while Lily just snorted.

"Well Remus, care to explain?" She spike invitingly. Remus blushes even harder.

"No thanks." He said quietly, avoiding eye contact with me.

I furrowed my brow. What was wrong? Was Remus okay? Did I do something to upset or annoy him?

Lily rolled her eyes. "Fine I'll say it for you. Remus ha-" She was cut off by the sound of a foot hitting a shin under the table.

"Lily go find the others. I'd rather say this in private." He said quietly. I held my breath. Shit.

AN: 422 words. Far shorter one than usual, but I wanted to know what you all thought about a smut? There are a few possible endings to this event but I can't pick so please comment if you'd prefer fluff or smut. As always it's up to you and thanks to anyone who has read from chapter one 😊

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