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The practical went fine, I messed up with the correct amount of oak leaves to give the Skrewt as a placebo to calm it, but it worked out in the end.

He was just a very full Blast-Ended Skrewt.

I hadn't been paying attention to anyone else, so had to rely on how they said it went.

No one appeared to have fucked up too badly, so we were all pretty relieved to get one exam out of the way.

We were now making our way into the Hall for the theory test before we would be free to roam the grounds for an hour before lunch.

Lily and I were rapidly reviewing all the main topics we knew would be featured.

It was a very brief but efficient way to help keep facts and figures in our minds.

"Okay, and the Green-Headed Pocksies were discovered-"

"In Portugal 1572 by a Japanese wizard searching for the nearest portkey back to his home. He was thoroughly frightened abs made the mistake of screaming. They only found a fe-"

"Few pieces of him left, all covered in green skin cells which appeared to still be alive." James finished the explanation while swinging an arm gingerly around me.

"Come on, there's no need to show off all your knowledge you two. Some of us are actually attempting to be going into this exam with a no-can-do attitude."

Lily looked at him questioningly.

I had learnt to never look at him like this.

It was clear she hadn't.

"What do you mean a no-can-do attitude?"

James' face broke into an evil grin.

"Well, I will open this paper, look at the top question and decide if I can do it. If and when I can, I will. When I can't, I'm not going to stress over it. It's a no-can-do approach."

Seemingly proud of himself, he sauntered off to Sirius, most likely to explain his stupid plan again.

I rolled my eyes.

"Honestly, he's so thick sometimes."

Lily smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. Think of all the marks he could get just by guessing."

With that, we were at the Great Hall.

The single desks were all lined in neat rows and fairly well spaced to avoid the temptation of cheating.

Or to let the invigilators come breathe down your neck easier.

Whichever you choose to believe.

There were teachers I knew and didn't roaming the hall, playing a gigantic game of match the student to the desk.

Once all seated, the papers came flying to each desk, landing neatly on the desk all at once.

I took deep breaths, preparing myself.

This was it. My future begins in three, two...

"You may begin."

It wasn't as difficult as expected, I can't think of any answers I got wrong so my mark is purely down to how much human error happened to take place.

We had all eaten lunch and studied for three hours for Charms.

James and I were better now, not back to the normal relationship but not as far as we were.

We could see the effect our forgiveness days on the group.

We were acting like a whole family again.

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