OWL Drama

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Everyone went upstairs for bed and to put their things away except Lily, the adorable Remus and y/n.

The second the door shut, a confidence came over Remus and he strode  up to y/n, grabbed her chin and smashed his plump lips onto hers.

Y/n melted at his touch, her own hands covering his.

They broke apart, glowing with warmth, love and happiness.

Lily wolf whistled, a cheery grin on her face.

Y/n looked down and her hands entwined with Remus' and began to tear up.

"What's wrong my love?" Remus asked, worry furrowing his brow and wrinkling his forehead.

She shook her head multiple times, sniffling in an attempt to stop the tears.

"Nothing serious, nothing serious at all in fact. I just wish we could tell them already, that's all."

Remus sighed, pulling their hands up in front of y/n's face.

"We will. We will at some point, but until then I will try to make life as easy for you as possible, I promise." He said comfortingly.

He brought their hands to his mouth, kissed them lightly, then brought them to y/n's mouth for her to kiss.

"Love you, goodnight baby." Y/n said before detangling their hands and heading to her dorms with Lily.

Remus stood for a few moments.

"Baby." He smiled, then went to his own dorms with the rest of the marauders already there.

You woke up the next morning to hushed whispers and giggles.

"What's going on you lot?" You asked, voice croaky from just waking up.

Olive turned to me, Lily and Hannah still deep in conversation.

"McGonagall told Alice and her friends at breakfast that after exams the fifth years have a formal dance." she explained quickly, then turning back to the gossiping group.

I sighed. Great. Just after exam stress is over, we have a whole other event to stress over too. Just great.

As if reading my mind, Lily spoke up.

"No need to worry, let's just get OWL's over with first, yeah?"

It was hard to not fall victim to her soothing tone.

We all nodded in agreement and got ready for another hard day of work.

The next few weeks came in a flurry of worry.

I learnt more about how my year coped in this short period of time than I had in the five years we had been together.

For example, Amos Diggory would ask questions in every class nonstop, taking down notes in a feverish manner.

Arthur Weasley was the opposite; he hadn't spoken a word to anyone in days.

Lucius has taken to asking everyone how many hours they were getting done.

"For the last time Malloy, I don't care if you studied fourteen hours last weekend. I'm busy, go away." You snapped.

That was what people found out about you.

When studying or stressed, you preferred not to talk to anyone.

Furthermore, you would gladly snap at anyone who opposed this rule.

You were curled up in a pink fluffy blanket, coffee in one hand and a Herbology book in the other.

Your surroundings were familiar; cosy but hectic.

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