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I was awoken by someone shaking my arm impatiently and hissing my name. "I'm serious y/n, you need to get up now." It was Hannah.

I groaned, snuggling further into Remus' warm torso, still asleep. "Look, James is going to wake up in a few hours and Moony can be down here asleep but not with you. Come up to the dorm quick." She said urgently.

I sighed, knowing she was right, and got up begrudgingly, trying my best to not wake my adorable boyfriend. "Let's go then." I said sleepily.

She smiled, and took me up to my own bed. I couldn't get back to sleep after this, so I decided to have a shower then get dressed and ready for the school day.

Once Lily, Hannah and Olive(who had returned yesterday for start of term) were also ready, we made our way downstairs to the Great Hall.

Sitting beside a tired looking Sirius and the pretty third year he was chatting up, I flicked his ear in the same spot I had previously. "Ow, y/n. What was that for?" He asked furiously as the girl moved away.

"You have a girlfriend now Padfoot. It's a commitment you made and you aren't going to ruin it so stupidly on my watch." I hissed. Sirius' face grew more relaxed as he realised I was right. "Thanks." He said. I shrugged and whispered. "No problem. Be more careful."

The day went by pretty quickly, and the staggering amount of homework we received was challenging, but I had always enjoyed that. Holed up in the library, Olive and I were finishing Ancient Runes. We were the only two out of the group who had taken it, except Remus.

He said he was busy that evening, and so wouldn't make it. "So how was your trip with Wormtail's family?" I asked her nonchalantly, trying to hide the suspicion I had.

She stuttered a little, and spoke quietly, which confirmed my suspicion further. "Umm... it was great- yeah great iii- fun. I enjoyed it." She said, blushing.

I smirked and hit her small arm gently. "Okay no need to be so nervous." I said. She grinned, thinking she was safe. Never.

After a few more minutes of work, I closed my book and began helping her on the parts she didn't quite get. "And how long have you two been together?" I asked calmly. At that, she looked completely stunned and lost for words. "We- He didn't... how did you-?" I merely laughed, and tapped my nose in a knowing fashion. "A true magician never reveals their sources and secrets." I said mystically.

She rolled her eyes, and shooed me away. "Go on, I'll finish this on my own. Don't tell anyone else, okay?" She spoke softly, but urgently. I nodded, picked up my things and left the library, deciding to go up to the Owlery.

Walking up the tower steps, I heard soft hoots and feathers fluttering from above me and felt instantly calmed. Animals always made me feel safe, like nothing would shock me. This theory was proven wrong, when I bumped into something in the Owlery room.
"Sorry." Came the muffled voice from above me. I looked up and immediately blushed, seeing the one and only Remus millimetres from me.
Being tall myself, it was odd that Remus could still tower over me. He was exceptionally tall though, so I had grown accustomed to being smaller than one person my age I have met.

"What are you doing Moony?" I asked. He smiled at me, then gestured to the owl that had just left through a large window, a package and letter attached. "It's my mother's birthday tomorrow, so I thought I would send it today for her to wake up to." He said. I smiled.

"You are adorable. Come on, walk me back to the common room?" I asked sweetly. It seemed I didn't need animal company tonight.

He took my hand and squeezed it gently. "Of course, my love. It's getting cold and late." We headed back, my head resting against his shoulder and his hand interlocked with mine.

Once we got into the common room, I kissed him goodbye and went up to the dorms. Lily was the only one still awake, and I knew why. There was a strange lump in her bed, covered with sheets and pillows.

I shook my head, knowing who was under there, but decided to play oblivious. "I'm glad you are still awake Lils. We need to talk." I said, walking over to the window and looking at the moon. Tomorrow was full moon, and the male Maurauders and I would be in the Shrieking Shack helping Remus.

"What's wrong?" Lily asked, clearly getting worried about what James might hear. "Well, Severus came up to me today, and he asked if I could study with him. I said okay, but let's just say we did more than study."

I said, barely able to control my laughter. Lily's eyes popped and she gasped. "Are you joking?" She said, pulling on a piece of her hair.

I picked up a piece of parchment and wrote, I'm kidding of course. Why is my brother in your bed? She read it quickly and groaned. "She's kidding."

I smiled and kicked the lump that was my twin. "Get out of my best friends bed please." I said.

He emerged, only wearing boxers and his lips had a glossy sheen to them. I shuddered in disgust. "Get out." He simply nodded and left quickly.

Lily opened her mouth to apologise, but I put a finger up against her lips. "I am going to erase this from my memory and we will pretend it never happened, okay?" I said firmly.

"Okay." Lily said. "Something is bothering me though, for real." I continued, desperate to ignore what I just witnessed. She cocked her head and looked at me with open eyes.

"What's wrong y/n?" She asked softly, like a mother comforting her child. "This is going to be a bad moon, I can feel it. He's already acting different, like he does when a bad one is coming. Plus, the last two were pretty calm, so there will definitely be a build up. I just want Remus to be okay, but I can't ensure it."

I gushed, speaking as quickly as the thoughts fell from their barricades. Lily patted a spot on her bed, inviting me.

I accepted and sat beside her, laying my head on her stomach gratefully. "I just want him to be safe." I repeated in a whisper.

Lily stroked loose strands of my hair. "I know you do, but y/n you do know you make it easier just by being there. As much as the guys do help, you do the most. You are doing literally everything you possibly can. He appreciates it."She said soothingly.

I sighed. "I worry it's not enough. Sure we help him get to the Shack, we stay with him and get him up to the infirmary. I had Madame Pomfrey teach me everything she knows so I can help. We clean him up and nurse him back each time. It's just that I feel we could do more. Like even though we are trying our best, there's only so much a group of teenagers can do for Moony. One bad time, one bad mistake, one wrong move and he's gone." I stated, sobbing now.

Lily lifted my head so I was looking at her in the eyes. "Shhh, you are okay. It's all okay. Everything is going to be okay." She repeated this like a mantra, still stroking my hair. I felt my drowsy eyelids dropping, and knew I wasn't going to make it to my own bed. All I managed was a smile and a murmur. "My Moony."

AN: 1315 words. I have a had a very tough week and it's only going to get worse with tests and revision, but my crush did ask me out! I know you didn't ask but I wanted to say anyway. Thanks for reading, I hope someone is enjoying this as much as I am 😊

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