French Toast

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Almost every day he would hit him with a new insult or, even worse, push me and y/n together in front of him.

Don't get me wrong, I loved being with y/n and being affectionate was a key part of our relationship.

Sirius seemed a bit hell bent on the PDA...lots of it.

In front of James.

Ever day.

•time skip brought by french toast•


All the marauders had now managed to get out of the dorm and into the great hall for breakfast.

And, evidently, there was some excitement over the food choices.

"Isn't there always french toast?" Lily asked, picking at the cereal I had put in front of her.

I loved the girl to bits, so I knew making her eat before exams would be good for her.

Sirius grabbed his heart while James pretended to feint, the pair over dramatic as always.

"No there is not Lils." Sirius replied, grabbing his plate and loading up.

"If there was, I wouldn't fit through that door by now." James added, pouring syrup onto his.

Sirius snorted, but quickly stopped and became solid again.

Remus sighed.

For a moment, he had his friends back.

Never mind that, there were exams to prepare for and french toast to be eaten.

Remus had never had the same love as Prongs and Padfoot, but chocolate made it perfect for the nerves.

Chocolate made everything perfect for anything to be fair.

We all ate and made some talk, mostly about the exams.

After we had ate, y/n grabbed Peter and Hannah and left to go study.

Being the genius she was, Remus suspected she knew they would need help studying and they were the most stressed two.

Fuck, I really do love her.

Once they were gone, Lily, Olive and James left to the black lake as they already had their books with them.

Sirius and I went back up to the dorms and took our books out, then sat on the bed revising.

Well, I studied.

Sirius "practised his animal skills" by seeing how many things he could hit my leg with.

After a particularly well landed quail hit my leg, I sighed and closed the books.

I needed to take a little break so I wouldn't burn out during the exam anyway.

Turning to Sirius, I picked up his books and tidied them away for him.

"Alright, want to find the others?" I asked, getting up to leave.

Sirius pulled me back and shook his head.

He was grinning. Why was he grinning? Shit.

"Nah maybe in a bit. I need to ask you a question Moons." The grin was growing wider.

It was concerning.

I shifted uncomfortably, biting my lip nervously.

"Oh, alright. What is it?"

Sirius picked up the quill that had fallen off my leg when I moved abs pointed the feathery end out the window.

"Breakfast today. French toast shenanigan kind of covered it up, so to say. But I noticed."

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