Full Moon

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The next morning, I sat by Olive and Lily in the library, munching on toast secretly while finishing Potions homework. "Ugh, why do OWL's exist?" Olive moaned dramatically. I rolled my eyes at her antics.

"Olive honey, it's what gets us jobs and money. It's a foundation for the rest of our lives." Lily said. "But it does suck." I added, earning a scoff of disappointment from Lily and a smile from Olive.

"Right, let's go and get this day over with." Lily said. We picked up our stuff and headed to class.

It was early in the evening, and Remus was due to transform in one hour. Padfoot, Prongs, Wormtail and I were taking him to the Whomping Willow. Peter transformed into his form to press the knot at the base of the tree. It froze momentarily, giving the crew time to get into the dark passage leading into the Shrieking Shack.

Remus positioned himself in the safe room and began to strip, leaving his clothes in a pile for us to pick up before transformation for after. The boys had done the same and became the rat, stag and black dog. I stayed in the hall and stripped away from the Marauders.

Once my clothes were in a neat pile at the door, where I had already put everyone else's, I closed my eyes and waited. Sure enough, hair began growing all over me, my ears elongated, claws grew from my fingers and my back arched painfully.

I reentered the room as a white wolf. I avoided looking at Moony, who was still naked and human. Instead, I made my way up to the stag and bashed him playfully with my head.

All four of us began play-fighting obnoxiously to help keep Remus distracted. It worked right up until the moon shone into the room.

Then, shrieks and yells of his pain began. I watched helplessly as my boyfriend was tortured into the wolf shape he dreaded so much.

The total morphing took longer than usual, as I predicted, it was a bad moon.

After about twenty minutes, we all watched as a small teen werewolf sat cowering the corner of the room. I couldn't help myself, and walked up to him. We locked eyes, and then he pounced. Our bodies crashed together, limbs everywhere and playful yips emerging from the mess.

After a while of playing, Remus' attention was drawn naturally to the moon. He sat and bowled at it for hours, occasionally trying to escape in vain and consequently causing mild violence for himself and the group.

At around half past two, an exhausted werewolf curled up on the floor to sleep until he was human again. I lay beside him, nuzzling into the soft grey fur on his chest.

Waiting until I heard the steady breathing of a sleeping wolf, I looked up at the black dog, who transformed back into human and got dressed. Sirius came back with two big blankets.

One for me, one for Remus so we could stay like this but would still be covered up when morning came and we had no fur to cover our nakedness.

Next, the rat left and emerged as Peter. He was nursing a sizeable bruise, James had accidentally stood on his tail previously.

Then, once we were completely sure Remus would not wake up until human again, James left the room and came back human. The trio drew out the sleeping bags we kept in a cupboard for them and fell into a light sleep, careful to not go in too deep in case something happened.

I woke up the next morning to Sirius stifling his laugh horribly and James glowing red. Peter was still asleep, but appeared to be waking up. "Good morning blanket." Said Sirius in a singsong voice.

I looked at him confused. "Blanket? That's a new one." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes and attempting to adjust them to the room. "Well, seeing as our dear friend Moony is cuddling you so closely I presumed you must be offering a great source of heat." He stated, clearly pleased with his triumph.

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