The Letter

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You woke up to a loud crack and the sound of feet pounding down the stairs into the common room below you. Rising from bed, you locked eyes with Hannah, your best friend, who returned the confused look.

Your silent questions, however, were soon answered as James' hollered at the top of his lungs. " I swear to god Padfoot I will murder you!!"

Hannah laughed and you both got dressed and washed before hastily making your way down to the common room.

There were many sleepy people there, forming quite the crowd around your brother and Black. Sirius was holding what seemed like a letter high above his head, out of desperate James' reach.

"Oh come on Prongs. You were going to give it to her anyway, why not deliver it with a performance too?" He asked mockingly. Just then, the penny dropped.

It was James' letter to Lily.

He had spent the whole summer gruelling you for details about what Lily liked and constantly asking you to check his spelling and handwriting.

You even drew the Lily flower on the front of it. Sure enough, you saw the pastel red petals on the page. Standing on the coffee table, you made your way over to the bickering pair and snatched the letter off Sirius before he could react. James looked relieved and Sirius upset, but their faces both morphed into shock when you smiled at them and ran gleefully up to your dormitory, Hannah and Olive, your roommate, following close behind.

Of course, Lily was still asleep in her bed. You loved her, but that girl could sleep through a war and wouldn't know a thing.

Hannah and Olive cornered you on your bed and tried to grab the parchment off you. "Oh please, y/n, what does it sayyyyyy?" whined Hannah. "It must be important if the whole wizarding world had to be woken up to hear it." Olive joked.

As much as you wanted your brother and Lily to just date, you knew giving this to her without him would do nothing for either of them. With that in mind, you sighed loudly and shook your head at the pair. "Sorry babes, but it's my brothers business so we'll have to give it back I suppose." I said.

Hannah looked shocked, her light brown hair covering an astounded look in her eyes. "Um, no we don't are you mad?" She enquired.

Without another word, you escaped through them and headed down the spiral staircase to James.

The crowd had dispersed now there was no excitement. You handed the letter over to him and sat down beside Sirius. James grinned while Sirius protested profusely at your action. "Did you at least change some of the words to add some spice?" He asked.

You shook your head and chuckled slightly at the thought.

Just then, a sleepy Remus floated in and plopped down beside you and the fireplace. He rubbed his eyes before giving a withering look to the two boys. "If either of you even think about doing that again I will castrate you both by hand." He grumbled. James and Sirius looked confused while you, the only other one in the group who knew what castration was, spluttered into your hand.

Remus met your eyes and grinned, winking at you slightly. God you could just stare into his gorgeous eyes for all eternity.

After an eventful morning and a full day of long, boring classes it was finally time for dinner, then back to the library to study. Professor McGonagall had given an ungodly amount of homework, which was now expected with your OWLS coming up.

Meanwhile, Professor Slughorn and Professor Binns had planned tests for the following week which you desperately needed to revise for. So, with a heavy heart you sat in the great hall with Lily, Olive and the Maurauders for some food.

Hannah was out with her Ravenclaw cousin, so she wasn't with you. While eating a salad, you watched Moony argue with Prongs about what amount of parchment was acceptable for an essay.

Remus' hair grazed thick light eyelashes and his pale face was littered with small scars from previous full moons. His soft plump lips moved seamlessly while he spoke in a sweet, calm voice. Your admiring was interrupted by Lily nudging you quite sharply in the ribs under the table.

You turned to look at her. "What the hell was that for?" You asked incredulously. She had a knowing smile on her face and glanced pointedly at Moony.

"Staring at him isn't going to do you much good, you know." She said quietly, so only you and possibly Olive could hear.

The latter appeared to be wrapped up in whatever Peter was saying, giggling repeatedly.

"Oh yeah well neither is Olive laughing at Wormtail but I don't see you judging her." I snapped sourly. Lily laughed and punched my arm playfully. "Ooh someone's touchy."she teased.

I stuck my tongue out at her, leading to a heated who can stick their tongue out for the longest battle. I won. Across the table, James threw a bread roll at me, bouncing right off my right cheek. My head snapped towards him, accidentally flicking Olive with my hair while doing so. "Yes?" I asked.

AN: another long one, sorry and I know I said once a week but I am sick so I'm really bored and thought I might as well post. Hope I'm not boring anyone out of their minds, next part should be up Tuesday! Thanks for reading, it really does mean a lot to me 😊 (ugh that was cringey)

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