Chapter 10

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Reader's P.O.V.

I traveled to the center of Asia, the most seclusion I could find. Of course I had been here before. A long time ago but I needed to seek out the training of my old master. I walked up the old stone steps and made my way to the temple. Standing at the building's entrance was him, my old training master. 

He twirled the end of his long mustache, keeping a stoic face before breaking into a grin. "Ah, I knew you would be coming back. The spirits have informed me something is coming indeed. Come inside, let us catch up some." The old man said turning around and leading the way. I nodded following him. As we walked I took in the magnificent architecture of the temple. It has been years since I have seen it but it is still breath taking. We stopped in the garden and sat on a stone bench.

"I need to get stronger, master. I was almost captured during the Hunter's Exam. I can't allow them to get to me before I am ready." I said. The old man hummed in thought. 

"You say almost, so obviously they didn't succeed but did you?" He asked looking over at me. I fished the card from my pocket and showed it to him. 

"If I wasn't attacked on Zevil Island it would have been a much easier well as not being followed around by a certain clown." I mumbled that last part but of course he picked up on it.

"A nickname, hm? Someone you met during the exam that caught your interests?~" You could practically see the playful and teasing smirk in his voice. My face turned red within a few seconds making me look away. "So there IS someone. Ooooh, do tell.~" The old man said like a gossip hungry teenager. 

I playfully glared at the old man but smiled warmly. "I am not sure how to describe him, master. He is unlike the rest and is scary good at what he does. Everyone else didn't even try to mess with him unless they had a death wish." I started. "We did grow rather fond of each other quickly but I still find him annoying. I told him I had to train but if he was really adamant about it he could come find me. When he does, that is when he has to answer the question I left him with." I said then stood.

"Master. I am unsure of how much time we have. Illumi knows I am still very much alive and well so that most likely limits our window. My family can get the whole world to track me down if they so need to and even being in the middle of the mountains won't keep me safe for long. Plus I don't want you to get hurt in any way." I said. He nodded and stood up next to me. 

"I estimate only a few months, maybe six if our time limit is stretched. After that you must go out and search a certain item that will help fulfill your goal." He said. The last part intrigued me. What would help me achieve my goal? A weapon? I let go of thought knowing I would soon find out anyways and headed to the training area with my master.


First month of training we worked on strengthening my body more.

Second month of training we started exploring what more my Nen was capable of.

Third month of training we dealt with  mostly hand to hand combat and making my attacks swifter in between switching from offensive and defensive. 

fourth month we worked on reaching my sixth sense, to see without using my eyes and to feel without being touch.

We were now reaching halfway through our fifth month together, the crisp smell of fall just around the corner. We started the process of dipping my toes into the usage of different Nen types I didn't regularly use. We were just starting the warm ups when I heard something strange not to far down the mountain, and it was getting closer.

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