Chapter 3

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Reader's P.O.V.

The next test we quickly found out was cooking. We had to go hunt a giant pig and turn it into a suitable dish. I scratched the side of my face knowing I wasn't all that great of a cook. I could honestly set fire to just about any food, microwavable or not. I currently was walking around looking for this wild pig. As I was walking I stopped feeling the rumble beneath my feet. I was confused till I saw Gon's group being chased by massive pigs.

I jumped up not knowing exactly what else to do but didn't think about what I would try next. I started to fall back down to the earth where the giant pigs waited but was suddenly flying through the air in a different direction. I looked to see Hisoka carrying me in his arms as we dodged the raging pigs.

"As grateful that I am you decided to save my ass last minute I would of preferred waiting a little longer before having to deal with you." I said trying to get out of Hisoka's arms.

"Mm, it was my pleasure to "save your ass." And might I say it isn't bad at all." Hisoka said his clown-y claws grabbing my said ass. I turned dark red and growled deeply at Hisoka ready to detach that arm of his right there and then.

"I'm about five seconds from ripping off that arm and beating you with it." I said lighting a small fire on the tip of my index finger. I could tell showing even the smallest bit of my power to this nut case intrigued him to want to see more.

"Oh, is fire your nen ability?~" Hisoka asked stepping even closer to me and grabbing my boob. My face was practically steaming now.

"You son of a bitch, I'm gonna kill you." I said with a snarl.

Hisoka leaned down to my neck, his hot breath tickling my skin. "So it is a promise?" Hisoka asked.

"Oh yeah it is a promise jackass." I growled with clenched teeth. Hisoka was enjoying the severely flustered state he had put me in so he had to go for more.

Hisoka started nibbling on my ear lobe. Sure this would be hot with someone I actually would want to screw right now but it was not coming from this clown. (Lies.) I was fuming and finally snapped.

I turned around and grabbed him by the neck. I new my colored contacts wouldn't hide the glowing (F/C) behind them. My nails dug into his neck as I placed a burning knife up to his neck.

"Trust me clown once you push me too far you will regret it, even if your curious ass is a masochist." I seethed.

"I can't help myself when you peak my interest every time we encounter.~" Hisoka said.

"If you two are done flirting I brought you your pigs." The chattering green bean said setting down the three pigs he had. I growled again and put away my knife then went to grab a pig. I dragged the pig back to my cooking station beyond agitated. That bastard push a whole set of buttons.

I cooked the meat to the best of my ability. Sprinkling whatever I thought would make it taste better then put slices of meat on a plate with some side vegetables. I secretly took a swig from the flask in my bag then waited to be called up.

Yes, I am old enough to drink. Don't drink often but usual keep my flask on me. I didn't have to wait long to get called up.

"Alright warning you now I can easily set fire to popcorn and a variety of other things. Don't expect something of worth from me." I said hearing a few laughs behind me. Gotta flaunt that talent of not being able to cook. The girl with the odd hair style tried it. I could already hear failure with the crunch it made.

"Well it isn't the worst thing I have ever tasted...." She said. "The flavors aren't bad but this isn't acceptable!" She shouted hiving the plate to the enormous man beside her. I snickered to myself and walked back to my station, hands in pockets and a smirk staying on my face.

"You all fail!" The chic shouted. Everyone was furious, some of the men wanting to fight.

"I don't believe old man Netero would allow this when you simply got your panties in a bunch." I said calmly.

"And how do you know him?" She growled. I don't think she likes me. My smirk grew.

"Well instructor just ask him yourself." I said as a massive blimp floated above us.

"I guess he heard about how you failed everyone. That was quick." I mumbled then heard another frustrated growl from the lady. The old man came down and lectured the woman and explained to us we would have a re-do. We were going to go get these rare eggs which required us all to board the blimp. I nodded towards the old man as in a hello then continued on my way to somewhere I can relax.

I found a bathroom and decided to go ahead and change into fresh clothes, the last of my fresh clothes. I put a baggy V neck shirt that was covered in tears from training, on over my tank top then grabbed my long coat that had a hood on the back. I grabbed my goggles and black bandana, placing the googles on my head and the bandana tied around my neck. I ruffled my hair with grumbled profanities under my breath.

I was exhausted but knew I wasn't even halfway done with this damn exam. I walked up to the sink, washing my hands and face, drying them off then heading to find some food. I found the cafeteria and just asked for some fries and a drink to help keep me awake.

I sat at one of the tables in the corner once what I asked for was ready. I sat there slowly dozing off, my drink slacking off on the energy bit. I suddenly felt that ever so familiar bloodlust and jolted awake, seeing Hisoka leaning over me with his usual grin.

"For the love of god leave me be, I'm too damn tired for your shenanigans." I groaned banging my head on the table. Hisoka chuckled, picking up my drink and taking a sip as he sat across from me.

I saw him make a face that said he didn't quite like the taste making me snicker slightly.

"Quite a strong drink." Hisoka said then stealing a fry. I narrowed my eyes.

"You wanna die over food? Not a fabulous death but I will gladly oblige." I said lowly.

Hisoka chuckled taking another fry.

"Clown you are really pushing it. Teasing bastard." I growled. With my head still on the table and continued to eat my fries, Hisoka aiming to steal more. I watched him go to take the last one when I quickly got it before he did. I put part of the fry in my mouth growling at the clown then he went and bit the other end. My cheeks flushed red and I basically fell out my chair.

"What the hell?!" I shouted not too loudly.

"I wanted one last bite~" Hisoka said. I growled and stood up correctly, downing the last of my drink then going to throw my trash away.

"You seriously piss me off, clown." I grumbled then heard a voice tell us to gather as we were almost to our destination. Hisoka followed close behind me like a little duckling. I rolled my eyes and continued forward.

We all got off the massive airship and looked down the edge of the small valley. Our task was to each get one of the rare eggs that laid webbed together between the two cliff edges.


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