Chapter 1

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Reader's P.O.V.

I walked out of the elevator and was handed a badge with the number 10 on it. I was here rather early if I was only contestant number 10. I pinned the badge to my shirt, obvious for others to see. While I was here I wanted a challenge, more like I needed the challenge. After all this is the Hunter's Exam. I sat against one of the back walls, all the other burly men watching me with mixed emotions. I saw more contestants flood in, one after another most seemed harmless until a pair of massive aura's waltzed in.

I opened my eyes a man dressed in green and pins embedded within his head. Then not far behind him was another more intriguing fellow.  Vibrant gravity defying hair, dressed as some wanna be clown. A twisted smile on his face and his aura relentless to those around him. I watched his movements closely then his attention turned towards me. His grin grew as he stalked towards me. I stood up dusting off my clothes and hide the bottom half of my face with the large scarf around my neck.

"Hm, you seem....different than these other weaklings." The man said.

"I could say the same about you." I answered. The man analyzed me trying to almost see through me.

"What a rare fruit you are, I will enjoy toying with you~." He said playfully.

"Toy with me? I am not some kids toy." I seethed narrowing my eyes and letting some of my aura slip my defenses. The joker's eyes widened but that same grin stayed on his face.

"I wonder what such a fruit like you is doing here, you are far strong enough to not need to go through this.~" I looked away from him and at the dirt.

"That is for me to know and you to mind your own business about." I said adjusting my oversized button up shirt. "But I do await when we get to battle, clown." I added my exterior emotion changing. He chuckled at my changed aura.

"I do have a name. Hisoka." Hisoka said. I looked up at him.

"Just because you so freely gave out your name doesn't mean I have to. You may have an intense aura following you around but that alone won't make me give in and tell you whatever you want." I said. I feel my words only increased Hisoka's interest in me.

"Hm, I wonder what will make you break then." Hisoka thought aloud stepping closer. I snickered and met his bright and murderous orbs once more.

"We have this entire exam to figure that out." I said and walked away to find another spot to relax. As I sat with my eyes closed another pair of footsteps stomped in front of me. I opened one eye to see a rather fat man standing in front of me.

"Hello there! I brought some juice and thought I would share with everyone." He said handing me a can. I wasn't a horrible person and accepted it. Although I accepted it, this seemed odd.

Not only cause this is supposed to be a competition where you aren't friendly with others but the fat man was sketchy in itself. I went to open the drink when I was stopped.

"I wouldn't drink that." A boy said walking up to me. I rose a brow gesturing for him to explain. He smiled at me.

"We got drinks from that Tonpa guy as well and they were all laced with a heavy laxative." He continued. I looked at the can and tossed it around before squeezing the can in my hand and crumbling it into a ball.

"Thanks for the warning kid." I said then stood up and spotted the fat man. I put one arm out in front of me to aim then stretched the other back and as soon as I had my target in sight I threw the balled up can straight at the man. He fell flat on his face, quite the bump forming on his head from my throw. I didn't kill him of course, that would just be mean.

"Wow, that is some arm you got there." An older man said who I assumed was with the little boy. Some others around us looked at me and the now unconscious man. I could feel a certain pair of eyes on me that made a chill run up and down my spine.

"Well training does have its perks." I said then looked at the group of boys. "I seem to keep getting disturbed while trying to rest." I mumbled under my breath.

"Hi I'm Gon!" The little boy exclaimed aiming to shake my hand. I obliged and shook his hand, feeling his strong grip. 'This kid is something else.' I thought to myself.

"And these are my friends Kurapika and Leorio." Gon said pointing at the blonde and the man in the suit. Before I was going to offer my name a scream ripped through the room. We all walked up to the forming group and saw a mans arm turn to dust like petals as he bumped into the clown.

"Next time apologize after bumping into someone." Hisoka said. I looked on unamused by his show off of power. Sure his power seemed scary but showing it off like that was stupid.

"Hard to be formal and respectful to a man that looks such as yourself." I said. I saw people around me tense up including my new acquaintances. They all feared for my well being for talking back to this dangerous man.

"Hm, you think so?~" Hisoka responded still cheery.

"Of course you walk around looking like a god damn clown." I said crossing my arms. In a flash a card was thrown at me but I caught it between my fingers. Just not before it left a cut on my cheek. I rolled my eyes then chuckled.

"I don't think a fight is ideal before we start the Exam." I said, walking up to him. I placed the card he threw at me in his shirt pocket then walked back to where I was sitting before. The other three came back over to me.

"Wow! You sure stood up to that weird looking guy." Gon exclaimed.

"This chic is nuts!" Leorio shouted next. I lifted my scarf up to cover my face.

"You aren't wrong there Leorio. If I was any other person I would avoid Hisoka at all times." I said. "But I do quite like a challenge." I said smiling and looking to the side seeing Hisoka staring at me once more with a card to his lips.

Not too long after that the first round started and the instructor appeared. We started the Exam with running. At first we were just walking, I found myself staying with the group of boys. Then it grew to a full on jog. Gon went to run with a new friend he made. This other kid was quite interesting as well. I had a feeling both these boys would do well in this exam.


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