Chapter 2

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Reader's P.O.V.

Kurapika and Leorio slump back seeing as how Leorio was getting warn out so I ended up running ahead, well until someone decided to run beside me.

"Running all alone, little fruit?~" Hisoka asked close to my ear. I was already worn out from running hours on end I didn't want to deal with this man. I shot a glare at him.

"Wow, so observant. You were easily running ahead, why stay back to talk to me?" I asked. Hisoka chuckled.

"A better question is why are you back here? I know you can easily make it to the front. I can sense the power overflowing in you." Hisoka said. He wasn't wrong. I could push myself and make it to the front.

"As much as my goal is to prove I am stronger than I seem, in this case not showing off your power makes others cocky and think you are easy prey. Them thinking I am prey guarantees they will come after me." I explained, why? I have no idea it just ran out my mouth.

"So the little fruit enjoys a fight." Hisoka said grabbing a card and wiping the blood off my face from the cut he gave me. I was a bit of a bleeder meaning there was still fresh blood flowing from the cut. As you would expect the creepy clown did something creepy. Hisoka licked the fresh blood he acquired off the card. "Hm, delicious.~" Hisoka added. I closed my eyes with my eyebrow twitching and the twinge of a blush dusting my cheeks.

'This man....grrr.' I thought in my head.

"I feel you will be an annoyance during this exam." I said making Hisoka chuckle.

"I just want to observe my little toys capabilities.~" Hisoka said.

"When the hell did I say you could call me a toy? When the hell did I even say I wanted to be yours??" I angrily asked my blush extending a bit saying that last part.

"You didn't, I did. You very righteously peaked my interest." Hisoka said. I dragged a hand down my face not wanting to believe the situation I didn't understand I put myself in.

"Damn it me for being so freaking awesome." I said mostly sarcastic.

"I still don't know your name little fruit.~" Hisoka stated.

"Indeed you don't, and honestly don't believe you need to know it." I said and quickly picked up my speed. I passed the majority of the group but saw Gon and hid new friend ahead of me. I smirked and tried to go faster. I ran through the exit right after the boys and took basically third place? I chuckled at the two fighting over who got first.

"Very nicely done guys. We all sufficiently blew the others out of the park." I said patting them on the shoulders. I looked around in the fog and honestly saw nothing, the fog was too thick. I threw my bag up then jumped up to the higher branches of the tree I could see. I sat on a sturdy branch then caught my bag.

"Guess we got some waiting to do." I said getting comfortable in my spot. I closed my eyes but kept my ears open, always have to be on guard. I only opened my eyes when I heard someone yelling, a man to be specific. The door to the exit we came out of was closing, leaving any other participants behind who weren't fast enough.

I jumped down from the tree and as soon as touched the ground I yelped.

"Boo!" A voice said into my ear. I really wanted to punch this clown to oblivion. I drew a knife from the back of my belt and aimed to stab him in the gut but he simply blocked it. I growled slightly and put my knife back and fixed my shirt.

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