Chapter 12

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Reader's P.O.V.

I pulled on my clothes after drying myself off and the entire time I felt Hisoka's eyes on me. I turned to said clown after digging around in my bag for a shirt. 

"I didn't know one pair of eyes can make me feel even more naked than naked. You going to get dressed too? I am sure you have other things to get to." I said walking back into the bathroom to grab whatever items I had left lying around. I looked out the window seeing everything glow during the night. Hisoka lazily draped his arms around my shoulder with a pout on his features.

"I quite liked seeing you without the clothing to block my view.~" Hisoka said kissing the side of my face. I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"I know you didn't just leave the base to spend alone time with me, what else do you have to go do?" I asked again. 

"I had some time before I had to go meet up with an old friend.~" Hisoka said. I pulled out my watch and looked at the time. 

"It is getting late, when are you supposed to be meeting this person?" I asked. Hisoka took out his phone while still draped over me and leaning his head on mine.

"I believe it is time for me to go.~" Hisoka pouted some more.

"Oh no, what a sad day." I said being totally sarcastic. Hisoka sent a playfully glare at me then stood like a normal person. I went and slid my shoes on then pat myself down to make sure I had everything. 

"You can come with me. I would never say no to your company.~" Hisoka said, already by my side once more.

"I could but I am pretty sure us arriving together back at the base would be skeptical." I said half joking. Hisoka looked at me with a straight face then twirled a lock of my hair around his slender and pale finger.

"Let them know, you are all mine.~" Hisoka said with a grin returning to his features. 

"You are the big bad and scary Hisoka, seemingly nothing fazes you much. When word gets out there is someone out there you actually want to protect it will just make your life more difficult." I said as we walked out of the room. "Cause god knows who would be coming for me so they can exploit your weakness. Meaning protecting me from all the sad and pathetic enemies you have made will sky rocket. I won't just have my own family on my ass and whatever bounty hunter and assassins they hired but every enemy who would like to see you dead as well." I said. 

"Well can't blame them, it is a nice ass.~" Hisoka said very openly grabbing my ass. I smacked his arm away glaring at him as we entered the elevator.

"And here I go asking myself what I got myself into. Biggest question since the starting day of the exams." I sighed out loud. In the end I decided just to go with Hisoka to his meet up since I didn't feel like walking back in the abandoned streets alone. We entered another abandoned area, an old amusement park. How fitting for this wanna be clown. I pulled up my hood and leaned on Hisoka's shoulder as we waited for the person to arrive. Today was really quite tiring all in all. I just wanted a nap, maybe some food too. At the mere thought of food my stomach growled like I had a demon in there. I looked at my stomach with wide eyes and grumbled a series of profanities. I saw Hisoka grin with an amused look.

"You and your facial expression just shut up. I haven't eaten anything since my late brunch cause I seriously procrastinated before getting ready for what was supposed to be the auction." I said sighing heavily realizing I was very hungry. About five minutes of me grumbling at Hisoka over his stupid mocking facial expressions the person finally arrives. My eyes widened a little and just stared at the blonde in front of me.

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