Chapter 20

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Reader's P.O.V.

A few days after the big family battle Jack managed to find a clean up crew to dispose of everyone who was killed during the fight. Half the estate was burned down but nothing I couldn't fix at some point. As Kiddra and I both replenished our Nen I managed to heal most of my injuries. The only problematic ones being the bullet holes and the big one in the middle of my torso. We were all currently headed to the house after it got all cleaned up, the next chapter coming along quickly. 

It almost looked like the estate had almost never been a war zone which was impressive with how much I destroyed stuff. Hisoka stuck to my side like glue over the past few days, helping me in any way I needed even though I know something was tugging at him and starting to show. Jack had gone off to deal with a little bit of business and (B/N) said he wanted to go and find a club in the city since he has been cooped up here for over a decade. I had found my old room and after a day of redecorating I was cuddled up with Hisoka who was just running his fingers through my more tamed locks.

Everything was healed for the most part just had to be a little careful, so why not have a little fun while it was just the two of us? I moved my head to look up at Hisoka who was just peacefully minding his own space. I smirked then moved myself to meet his lips. Hisoka smirked into the kiss and brought me closer. We parted and he hummed happily.

"What are you trying to do?~" He asked in his teasing tone. In a teasing fashion I licked my lips and moved back to close the space between us then unexpected to him I trailed light kisses down his jawline and neck, leaving a love bite or two.

"Can't help to admit I missed you in that time you were away." I smirked and trailed my kisses back up to meet his lips. I could feel his lips curl into a smirk as he climbed to hover above me.

"I missed you too and as I remember you still owe me a little treat from before I left.~ Hisoka mused. I giggled while running my fingers through his hair. "Though are you sure you want to now? You still haven't fully healed." Hisoka said quietly softly rubbing up and down my sides. I smiled at him and sat us up so I was on his lap. 

"I love how worried you seem to still be but if I didn't think I could handle it then I wouldn't have been the one to suggest it." I said with a smile. 

"Are you sure about that? I am not the most gentle when riled up.~" Hisoka whispered into my ear. A shiver ran up my spine at his words and his hot breath fanning against my neck. I brought closer to his ear, licking and nibbling at it. I heard Hisoka groan a little, his grip holding me tightly. 

"I heal quickly." I whispered, seeing the shiver he gave off from the feel of my breath on his skin. After I said that I felt his cold hand make its way under my shirt. Hisoka lifted me up, connecting our lips again and pushing my back against the plush bed again. I chuckled against his lips and trailed my hands from his vibrant locks to the hem of his shirt. Hisoka sat up, never leaving eye contact as he slowly took off his shirt. He was so trying to tease me as much as he could. I smirked and rose a brow.

I let my hands trace his abs and chest, my nails occasionally scraping against his skin making a light groan come from the male above me. I snickered hearing the smalls sounds then pushed him down on to the bed. I put pressure on his clearly erect groin and heard louder more moan like sounds come from him. I hummed some feeling his member press against my womanhood, almost driving me just as crazy.

"Being toyed with feels so amazing.~" Hisoka moaned as his hands gripped my hips tightly. I licked my lips. Hisoka sat up some, running his hands up further under my shirt and trailing his lips along the newly exposed skin till he reached my covered breasts. I rose my arms up as my shirt slid off and to some corner of the room. Hisoka hummed looking me over happily. "My lucky day.~" He mumbled. 

I chuckled and playfully rolled my eyes. "Don't get used to it." I said arching my back some from his touch.

"I think it is my turn to have some fun, love.~" Hisoka growled out against my breasts. My cheeks reddened but my smirk stayed dancing upon my lips. I kissed the top of his head and tangled my fingers in his hair as his lips abused my skin. As Hisoka left love bites among my skin I felt his hand slide down to my pants and undo them. His hand slipped into my pants and gently rubbed me though my underwear. I gasped, gripping his red locks tighter. Hisoka laid me back on the bed and pulled my pants completely off. 

Hisoka trailed his lips back down my stomach, licking and biting the fresh skin until he made it to my undergarments'. He held my wrists above me, making eye contact once more before sliding the thin material off my body with his teeth. I gulped a little and looked back up at the ceiling until I felt something slid into my pulsing womanhood. I moaned rather loudly, shuttering at the feeling. Hisoka had slid his tongue into me, slowly moving it around at first. Sounds of pleasure left my lips as my breathing began to quicken. 

"My. my, I had no idea I made you this happy.~" Hisoka smirked, looking back up at me for a moment more.

"Don't be an ass, I believe we are in the middle of something." I huffed, still slightly out of breath. Hisoka returned to pleasing my lower regions with his tongue, spreading my legs wider to get a better angle. My back arched at the feeling, it being quite some time since I had even gotten laid in the first place. Hisoka came back up from my womanhood, licking his lips with that sadistic grin. Hisoka kissed up my torso then back up to my lips that were parte ever so slightly. 

I ran my hands over his toned body then weaved my fingers through his hair and brought him closer, our bodies feeling perfect together. "Brace yourself.~" Hisoka whispered huskily in my ear. Hisoka got up long enough to discard his pants and boxers then inched his member closer to my core. My breath hitched and became rigged as he grazed my core with the head of his member. 

Without any more warnings Hisoka shoved his full length into me, causing me to gasp in surprise and pleasure. Hisoka chuckled seductively at the noise I was making, enjoying every part of this experience. Hisoka adjusted himself, holding my legs up so he could get in deeper then quickly pulling in and out. His thrusts were strong, completely rocking my body each time. I attempted to keep myself quiet but with this new feeling I couldn't. My moans and the deep grunts coming from Hisoka filled the room. His thrusts started becoming sloppy and he leaned his face down next to my ear, letting out a moan in my ear as my core tightened around his member. My face was beat red and continued to grow hotter at the sound of Hisoka moaning because of me. 

A few more sluggish thrusts then Hisoka pulled out, unloading his seed across my stomach. I let out another large exhale, my body and urges sufficiently satisfied now. "Yup, welcome back Clown." I let out airily. Hisoka chuckled, standing on his knees and examining the masterpiece below him. 

"Thank you, my little flower." Hisoka said softly, placing a gentle kiss on my abused lips then grabbed me in his arms. "Would a shower help your aching body?~" Hisoka purred in a smug tone. He loved that he was the one who used me in such a way. I merely nodded, leaning against his bare chest too tired to say anything else. Hisoka walked into my bathroom, setting my on the sink counter as he started a warm shower. His eyes continued to ravish my naked body. Hisoka came to stand in front of me, in between my legs and placing his hands on my thighs. 

"We are not doing another round in the shower, we just fucked and I am still very much injured." I clearly spoke with a sigh. 

"Of course, My Princess.~" Hisoka purred, trailing hickeys over my neck once more. I got in the shower, the Clown following after me. Hisoka was quick to help me clean, littering my skin with a few more hickeys.

One battle won, now time for the next.

-This is the end of the story....for now


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