Chapter 17

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Reader's P.O.V.

After Hisoka left I started planning what I was to do until I am ready to fully fight my family. I decided to use the area the Troupe was previously hiding out in as my training grounds with my new friend. This wasn't the ideal place to train but I didn't have much more options close by. 

"Kiddra, come." I ordered my bonded dragon. An unusual feeling came from my core then aura flowed and formed the shape of the summoned beast. The summoned beast appeared from the aura that flowed out of me and then stood before me. 

"You wish to train." He spoke. I nodded and looked into his piercing yellow eyes. "Alright then, there are two ways I could teach you but it all depends on how much time you want to take with this." Kiddra said, smoke leaving his nostrils.

"I want to wait for Hisoka but I fear I don't have enough time to do that. There is probably a bigger man hunt for me being sent as we speak. What is the shorter way?" I asked, the feeling of paranoia growing. Kiddra leaned his head down and right in front of me.

"This will hurt no doubt, I have to insert information from my memory to yours. This is ancient knowledge that was once passed down in your bloodline. Are you ready?" Kiddra asked. I gulped then nodded. Kiddra gently rested his scaled head next to mine the recited a short phrase. My eyes shot open as a sudden pain rocked not only my skull but my entire body. My icy white flames covered the both of us then my vision blacked out. "Do not worry, I will be here to watch over you during this journey." Kiddra lastly informed me before all my senses shut off at once and I was pulled straight into this new world of knowledge.

I was pulled deep into my subconscious and into a bright light where sudden images surrounded me. I could barely concentrate. My heart was racing a marathon and my brain was struggling between what information to absorb apart from the overwhelming pain I could still feel. 

"So you are the last hope of our clan, hm?" An older sounding voice rang out. Suddenly everything stopped and everything was white. Standing before me or rather floating, was an old wrinkled man with faded black hair and a matching dangly mustache. Then of course the signature clan's glowing yellow eyes. 

"Sadly I would have to assume so, yes." I said, trying to stand tall. 

"You are strong yes, but not yet near the strength needed to rid the clan of the foul beings invading it now." The old man said in a unwavering tone.

"I assume that is why I am here, to learn what is needed. We both know the (L/N) clan can't keep on like this." I said clenching my fists tightly. 

"First thing you can do is cool yourself down, getting worked up while here will do you no good." The old man barked at me. I nodded and tried my best to relax. "Getting here was painful but I ask you this, are you ready to dive into the realm of knowledge you seek? It will mean more pain than you feel now and who knows the mental and physical strain it will take on you afterwards." He said, his voice somehow growing stronger and louder. I nodded, looking him dead in the eyes. The old man chuckled and folded his hands behind his back. 

"You definitely have that (L/N) fire burning bright in you, I thank you for finishing our battle for us." The elder said then stood aside and signaled me to continue walking forwards. I exhaled shakily then walked forward, whatever hellish road awaiting me with open arms.

Words and ancient chants. Flashes and clips of the sacred dragon power being used.

I saw it all .

Every fight. Every step to learning how to use the dragons power as your own.

Scales. Blood. Sweat. Death. Every battle that always contained a learning experience.

All of it leading up to the demise of what the clan used to be. 

Then finally....nothing.

I gasped as I was pushed back into reality. I was covered in my flames still and bleeding from multiple areas. I coughed, my throat feeling dry. I could feel the heat surrounding my eyes but no longer only saw red. The flames disappeared and I slowly made my way to my feet. My footing was still very unstable but I managed to keep on kicking. 

"I am glad you made it back, quicker than most would have as well. You are a strong mortal, I believe with this new knowledge you will rise above your clansmen." Kiddra spoke. My ears still rung but I was able to make out what he said. 

"Did you not think I could do it? Man my feelings are hurt." I said looking up at him with my flaming red colored eyes.

"You are the first human I can recall ever having to take in that much information at once. Dragons have used that technique to relay information between their bonded humans before and even that proved to be too much for one to go through." Kiddra explained. "I am not saying I didn't have confidence you could make it back, I am saying your strength from the moment you freed me to now is something to behold. You are far from full strength, (Y/N)." Kiddra added. I coughed again then pulled a smirk on to my face. 

"Damn right, I am far from done. With the new skills I will be mastering, none of them will stand a chance." I coughed out, my voice horse. "Until tomorrow, the sun has already gone down. I will go rest then summon you back here in the morning." I said then snapped my fingers and Kiddra faded back into the aura that left my body earlier. I groaned and sat back down for a moment. I lit my body in my flames and felt a chain wrap around every limb that was previously bleeding. The chains became visible, letting off a red glow as they healed my injuries. One of the many new abilities I have now gained. 

Once my injuries were dealt with I felt my stomach grumble. I was tired but my appetite couldn't go unattended either. I made my way back to the hotel and quickly placed an order with room service. I changed out of my clothes into some comfier attire. As I went to change in the bathroom I saw a rather large shirt hanging on the towel rack. I chuckled seeing the little note on it. Somehow the clown left a shirt of his while I wasn't looking. When did he even have spare clothes? I never saw him carry a bag or anything. It was a black T-shirt with the little card emblems on the front and back like what was on the clothes he was wearing before. I slipped on the oversized shirt, discarding myself of the dirtied one I was wearing then changed my pants as well. 

I picked up the little note, flipping it open to finish reading the inside. My eyes widened for a moment before I playfully rolled my eyes with a stupid big grin on my face. I placed the card in the pocket on the shirt and walked back out to the bedroom. A few minutes later a knock rang at my door and my food was rolled in on a tray. I fell back on my bed as the person left and started eating my food while repeatedly thinking of the note I was left.

'Be mine?~'

Officially, I have become the Clown's girlfriend.


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