Chapter 2: A 'Peaceful' Day

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"Wakey-wakey rise 'n shine and a pleasant morning to all you CYSMIAN's! This is your morning DJ, DJ Tyun and welcome back to school everyone. I hope you had an enjoyable summer break like mine. And another semester has already begun! Wow, time flies so fast don't you think? Anywho, how 'bout we start this beautiful day with a song by T by T? Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Way Home."

Taehyun pressed the said song from the school playlist, and it's melody echoed through the speakers of every hall. He also made sure to lower the volume a bit to make it more soothing. The blonde removed the headphones and averted his gaze to his senior who was at the other side of the recording room, giving him a thumbs up.

"Brilliant as always Tae!" his senior said through a mic.

Taehyun bowed, 90 degrees. "Thank you Jaemin-hyung! Is it okay for me to head to class?" he asked, exiting the recording room.

"Of course you can! I can take it from here, but be sure to be back around 5 o'clock sharp. Arasso?" Jaemin, his senior reminded him.

"Noted hyung, bye!" Taehyun nodded enthusiastically and grabbed his bag from the chair where he left it and ran out of the clubroom.

Taehyun ran down the hallway filled with students. He dodged and squished himself through the sea of teenagers before he reached his red-colored locker. Twisting the code, Taehyun quickly opened the metal door and grabbed his books that he needed for his morning classes.

"An enjoyable summer break like yours huh? What an excellent liar," Beomgyu chuckled, earning a not so manly shriek from Taehyun causing the younger to slam his locker door a bit to hard. Making a loud bang which caught a few students' attention.

"Oh god hyung stop scaring me!" Taehyun pouted, placing a hand on his chest.

"Sorry about that Tae," Beomgyu chuckled, pinching the younger's cheeks. "But seriously though, I thought your summer was boring?"

"Sometimes, you need to lie to get people to talk about their day hyung. I think of it as a psychological trick to make them forget about the stress about school being, what do they call it? Ah yes, a prison." Taehyun explained, shrugging his shoulders.

"Huh, how smart of you," Beomgyu commented.

The younger walked passed him before stopping a meter away from the older. He looked over his shoulder and gave the brunette a smirk. "Of course I am."

Beomgyu gave him an eye-roll. "Of course you are Taehyun-ah. Now how 'bout we get going before Ms. Jenny cut our heads off for being late?"

"No need to tell me that twice, RACE YOU!" the blonde shouted, speeding away from Beomgyu.

"YAH! NO FAIR HYUNIE, THAT'S A FOUL PLAY!" Beomgyu yelled as he chased after his roommate.


Her footsteps echoed the now empty halls. She made a left and took the stairs to the rooftop, she was received at text from her girlfriend that she wanted to meet up at the said place to talk about something.

As she climbed up the last flight of stairs. She was already greeted by the door which lead to the rooftop, grabbing the knob. The lady twisted it counter-clockwise before pushing the door wide open. The wind gently caressed her hair, a few strands danced with it.

She scanned the area with her eyes, landing on a familiar figure that had blue short hair standing right in front of her. The brunette gave her a smile.

"Hey! Funny seeing you here," she giggled.

The bluenette did too. "Yeah, you too as well. What're you doing here?"

"Well, Youngie told me to meet up at the rooftop. Guess she's not here yet," the brunette girl said, looking around for any traces of her girlfriend. "What about you?" she brought her gaze back to the girl infront of her.

"I'm waiting for someone too! How 'bout we wait for them together?" the bluenette happily suggested, pointing at the bench next to her.

The brunette agreed immediately and walked towards the bob haired girl,

closing the door behind her.


"Geez I can't believe Mr. Byun threw a book at me. What did I even do to him!?" Beomgyu groaned as he leaned backwards at of the bench he and Taehyun were sitting on.

"Well maybe because you dozed off during his discussion hyung," Taehyun spoke, closing the book he was reading awhile ago. The two boys are currently in the campus square, particularly hanging-out like normal teens do.

"It's not my fault that his teaching style isn't that effective and only plays movies that don't have a relation with the topic! The school should've just fired him for his lack of competitiveness and passion for teaching." Beomgyu scoffed, mumbling the last sentence.

"What was that hyung? You mumbled something," the younger pointed out, scooting closer to the older male.

"No it was-


The two boys flinched as they sprang up from their seat. Heads looking from left to right to find the source of the scream. Then, in a not so far distance. Students were gathering around a certain area.

"There!" Taehyun pointed at the small crowd of students. The blonde averted his gaze to his friend, and to his surprise. Beomgyu wasn't on the spot he was standing at! The younger's eyes went back to the small crowd to see his hyung running towards it!

'What the....?'

"Hyung wait up!" Taehyun shouted. Running after the brunette who went in the now big crowd of students. He pushed and squished himself to get to the center to see a girl laying lifelessly on the cobblestoned path. Blood was oozing from her head and neck, her eyes were dilated as she layed there.

Taehyun covered his mouth at the horrible sight, he felt like he was going to throw up all he ate at lunch. His eyes then rested on his Beomgyu-hyung who was standing beside the body. Although he wore a stoic expression, but Taehyun could see how his eyes lit up as he stared at the girl's bloodied body.

But why?

"She's dead," Beomgyu announced.

The crowd gasped and was about to go closer when the brunette shouted. "DON'T YOU EVEN DARE TAKE A STEP CLOSER. YOU'LL RUIN THE EVIDENCES!"

The crowd flinched, even Taehyun as they backed away from the brunette. The younger never heard his hyung yell, he was aware that Beomgyu had a deep soothing voice. But, the way he shouted sounded so,

Authoritive, and scary.

"Taehyun-ah," the younger flinched as Beomgyu snapped his head to where Taehyun was standing.


"Call the campus police," the brunette said briefly.

"W-Why?" Taehyun stammered, still a bit shaken by the dead body beside his hyung. Yet Beomgyu looked unfazed and calm.

The older looked straight into Taehyun's doe eyes. "Tell them that there's a possible homicide in CYSM Academy."

'Possible.... ho-homicide?'


Status: edited

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