Chapter 64: Quite Peaceful

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Note: Happy MOA day everyone!!!💞

Ps. sorry for the late update hehe


The school bell echoed throughout the school followed by the opening of doors and voices ranging from murmurs to shouts flooded the hallways.

"Oh my gosh have you heard. . ."

"Oh no I forgot my essay Ms. Cha will kill me!!"

"Did you know one of the 12th graders were caught making out at the library?"

"Ugh, I hate math!"

"I wanna sleep agh. . ."

"I hate Mondays."

"Can you stop being a delulu for once?!"



Taehyun lets out a sigh before shoving his Math textbook into his locker.

The hallways were always so noisy that it felt like he was inside a beehive. The different timbres of voices mushed together and it somehow created a buzzing noise, with a few voices yelling around alongside the squeaking of shoes.

But atleast there was no murder — just plain old students living their high school lives.

And despite the big piles of homework, Taehyun was glad that he was slowly getting back his stressfully mundane school routine.

He really needed it back after the Decelis game.

As he made his way to the school campus, it was ten in the morning and luckily Taehyun didn't have classes due to the teachers having some urgent meeting. As he wonders aimlessly around the campus the blonde male saw Soobin and Yeonjun a few meters away from him.

They were talking, probably about something that's related to the council, or maybe just casual conversations.

But Taehyun doubts that because of the distance they had, the two boys were closing in to each other — shoulders bumping and fingers brushing in the most subtle way that would need a good eye to spot.

"You shouldn't stare at them," the voice startled Taehyun, whipping his head to his right only to see Kai.

"You'll only make other students suspicious Tyun," Hyuka says.

"Especially the gossip column writers," he adds teasingly.

"What?" comically Tehyun's eyes widen, "But I thought after the stunt Hwa pulled off they wouldn't bother anymore."

"Oh you know the media Tyun," said Hyuka casually. "Unless if it happens to them, they'll never learn."

"True," Moh-wa agrees, appearing out of nowhere. "I wasn't even kicked out of the News Committee as long as it wasn't me who got ruined."

"You mean defamed him but ruined is a polite way to say it," Hyuka comments, earning a glare from Moh-wa.

"Was Hanuel kicked out?" Taehyun asked.

Moh-wa shook her head, "Nope, only given a few weeks suspension. But to be honest, the News Committee couldn't care less whether a fellow club member gets exposed for all their dirt. As long as it catches the students' attention then they'll let it slide, maybe even give you a promotion."

"Wow that's. . ." Taehyun trails off, a bit concerned about that kind of — well he doesn't exactly have the words to describe it for now.

"I mean, bad publicity is still publicity so. . ." Hyuka shrugs, and Moh-wa is quick to agree.

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