Chapter 46: A Wall Listens

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Note: I FINALLY UPDATED! I'm so sorry for the delay everyone😭


It was already night time, the moon was shining and the stars were showcasing its beauty. The streets were almost quiet, the only sound that could be heard were cars and motorbikes.

And at the back of the school, two males (preferably students) were in a hushed discussion.

"So? What shall we do know?" a man asked his companion.

"Well that depends," the aforementioned spoke, averting his gaze to the man.

"Do you have the evidence?" he adds.

"I have it," the man says, swinging a usb drive around his fingers.

"Good, make sure you get rid of it. We don't want our names getting stained, we'll lose the respect and the trust of the students if that happens."

"Don't worry," the guy assures him. "I'll make sure that doesn't happen."

"You better, or else we'll be in big trouble."

"I know that!" the other male hissed. "But seriously, we could have exposed him by posting that picture on the page. Then do a bit of editing to make it look like they're doing something inappropriate-"

"Are you insane?! They were on top of a ferris wheel! People will rise their eyebrows at us if we post that picture on the page. They'll ask questions on how we got that picture no matter how much we edit it. Choi Soobin is a person who has lots of supporters, we can't just post that picture of him that we took! And if they found out that we edited it we'll get charged for invasion of privacy and falsifying stuff!" the boy explains, flailing his hands in frustration.

"Then what about his brother? You know that so-called detective?"

"Right, he's a pain," the latter utters. "Let's just use that dorm mate of his if that guy tries anything. Like you know, make his roommate a hostage or something."

His companion nods, "Got it."

But unbeknownst to them, just at the edge of the wall; someone had been listening.


Beomgyu found himself dazed, he didn't know if it was due to the lack of sleep. Or due to the fact that he hasn't seen Taehyun for at least a week.

It was so weird seeing his brother every time Beomgyu went to the mini kitchen. It wasn't any better when Soobin always had that scowl on his face too. And to be honest, said scowl was always affected Beomgyu's mood entirely.

So when he saw the younger boy, Beomgyu wasted no time in tackling Taehyun into a hug. Startling the said boy.

"OH MY- Beomgyu-hyung?!" Taehyun gasped when he saw who was hugging him.

"Oh Taehyun-ah I missed you so much! My political brother is soooooo annoying every morning and I wanna go home to you sweetcheeks! Please take me back I swear I'll never complain about cleaning, if you wish you can make me a knight or your personal butler I'll-"

"O-Okay okay calm down hyung, you're being dramatic," Taehyun stammers, a bit to overwhelmed at the dramatic outburst from the older.

Pulling away, Beomgyu stares at the younger. "I am not, I'm just stating the facts of what I'm willing to do just to get back to my dorm life with you and not live with my brother any longer."

"You sound like as if I'm abusing you," Soobin spoke as he walked towards the two boys.

Beomgyu throws him a dramatic glare. "Your presence is abuse to me," he comments, earning a smack from Taehyun.

Soobin lets out a sigh. "For real, I pity your future spouse and future child."

"Ha! I'll pity yours the most! I'll even convince them to call off the engagement!" Beomgyu retorts, earning a confused look from Taehyun.

Wondering why the heck are the Choi brothers were arguing about... spouses and marriage(?)

"Oh shut it you two y'all don't even have the guts to propose! A pair of masked cowards that's what you two are!" Moh-wa comments out loud as she marched her way towards the three boys.

The two siblings rolled their eyes at the latter.

"You better be talking about Beomgyu." Soobin utters.

"Oh no I think she was talking about you, hyung," Beomgyu hisses.

Moh-wa lets out a sigh. "Whatever, anyway. I found some snakes hissing secrets behind one of the school buildings." Moh-wa says with a rather smug look on her face.

"Oh really now? Please do tell what their topic was about," Soobin utters, and Taehyun is confused if the tone the older used was either sarcastic or not.

"Certainly" Moh-wa says, her tone a pitch-high for exaggeration. But that faded quick once she gave Soobin a firm side look, "It's about you, my dear vice president."

Just like that, the atmosphere thickened with tension.

Soobin said nothing, which let Moh-wa continue her talking.

"I think," she pauses, staring into Soobin's eyes. The lady takes a step forward.

"That I know these people quite well sir. And I must say..." Moh-wa trails off with a grin.

"The plan's coming in quite nicely."

"So does that mean it's go time?" Taehyun asked, ignoring the fact that Beomgyu was hugging him oh-so tightly.

"Yup! Perks of being called a wallflower," Moh-wa chuckles.

"Hwa, you know what will happen if you expose them, right?" Beomgyu utters as he lets go of Taehyun, eyes on Moh-wa. "You'll go down with them as well."

"I'm quite aware of that Gyu," Hwa says. "But I think it's rather worth it, after all we can get Yeonbin's justice and spread awareness of blackmail," she adds with a smirk on her lips.

"And it would be nice to see the media eat them up, that would be quite a sight to see."


A students phone beeped, said student took their device out of their pocket to find out they received a message.

And their blood ran cold at what it said:


From: 09********

I know your secret🐍


I hope you like the chapter:)


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