Chapter 8: A Note and A Silhouette

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Ever since Taehyun got that teddy bear from his 'secret admirer.' The younger would receive a note on his locker every single day from the same person (well he thinks), since the handwritings and writing-style were very similar. It was usually compliments about how smart and handsome Taehyun was and sometimes, just normal greetings.

But today, however, was different.

And it all started when Taehyun passed by the club Beomgyu usually hangs-out in: the art club.

The blonde was just doing his usual delivery of food for the brunette because he forgot to buy his lunch, again! Sometimes Taehyun even feels like Beomgyu's lover all of the sudden. Though the brunette doesn't really bother buying lunch nor telling Taehyun to bring him food. The younger just does it willingly, and his excuse?

He just doesn't want his hyung to get hungry.

Whatta lame excuse.

Anyways, as the young male walked down the endless hallway. He finally stopped at the art club's door, taking a deep breath, Taehyun knocks at the door. In a split second, the wooden door slid open. Revealing San, one of the members of the art club.

"Hi Sannie-hyung!" Taehyun beamed, flashing the older a smile, exposing his dimple.

"Oh hey Tae, looking for Beomgyu?" the raven haired male asked.

Taehyun nodded, his blonde hair bounced as he did so. "Yeah, I just dropped by to give him his lunch. Is he there?" he asked, peeking behind the Senior.

"Oh cool. And yeah, he is, do you wanna come in?" San was about to step aside to let the younger in but Taehyun shook his head. "No, I just came here to bring hyung food. He tends to forget to eat lunch sometimes so..." Taehyun shrugs, like it wasn't a big deal.

"Oh, I see, I'll.... I'll call him for yah. Hold one second," San looked over his shoulder and shouted.

"Yow BG!"

A frustrated voice shouted back at him with a 'WHAT?!'. It clearly seems like the older was having a bad day.

"M-Maybe I should go hyung. I think he's angry, can you do me a favor and give this to him–" Taehyun took out a mint-green lunch box and was about to hand it to San when the older shook his head.

"No Taehyun, trust me. His anger will vanish when he sees you," San said before looking behind him.

"Get your ass here Choi, your boyfriend's here with your lunch!"

Taehyun's face heated up at the mention of 'boyfriend', he then also heard whistles and cheers from inside the clubroom.

"I-I'm not his boyfriend San-hyung," he denied hastily.

The ravenette gave him a disbelieving look. "Eh? Really? But I thought—

"San-hyung," a familiar voice surged from behind San, revealing an irritated looking Beomgyu. The latter was wearing an art apron that had smudges and flicks of different colored paint under his white button-up shirt and his navy blue tie.

San flashed the brunette a smile, walking towards him. "Ah~ Gyu! Taehyun's here with your lunch, why don't you guys talk a bit? And maybe—" San passed by the brunette and whispered to his ear. "—Get your inspiration back."

Beomgyu flashed him a threatening glare before averting his eyes back to his squirrel friend, flashing him a happy smile. "Hey Tyun!"

"Hyung, I brought you lunch!" Taehyun said happily, handing out the mint-green lunch box to the older who gratefully took it from the blonde's grasp.

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