Chapter 20: Mystery Solved!

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Once Beomgyu left the room, Taehyun was still in the position when the older hovered over him. His hair was a bit messy as he stared at the ceiling.

'E-Eh? W-What was that all about?"

Pushing the image of the tensioned scene that had happened into the deepest depths of his mind. Taehyun got out of bed, not even bothering of brushing his hair and snatched a sweater before exiting his bedroom.

When he reached the living room, Taehyun saw his dorm mate at the door frame. Beomgyu was holding the doorknob with his right hand, and a flashlight on his left. His hood was down, exposing his slightly messy brown hair. Unconsciously, Taehyun combed his hair with his fingertips, attempting to tame them.

"Ah, finally. My little honeybee has left its hive. I was beginning to think that you fell asleep again," Beomgyu chuckled.

The blonde scoffed, giving him a glare. "First of all, I'm not a honeybee. And second, did you really think that I'd fall asleep?" 'After that stunt you did a minute ago?'

"Aigoo, why so grouchy sweetcheeks? Did I interrupt your dream about me kissing you?" the latter cooed, pinching Taehyun's cheek.

The latter swatted Beomgyu's hand before saying. "Ha! You wish, let's get going now. The faster we get to the library, the sooner I get back to my bed."


The two males strolled the dark grounds of the school with nothing but a flashlight. Beomgyu was leading the way since he had the flashlight in his grasps. While Taehyun was gripping onto the hem of his dorm mate's hoodie, he was a tad bit scared of the dark.

After a few minutes, they were now standing infront of the alleged haunted library. The bomb incident immediately flashed into their memory lane.

"Huh, guess the rumors were true about the library at night. It really does look like an asylum," Beomgyu spoke hands in his pockets.

Taehyun slapped him on the arm, "Can you not?! The campus looks like a graveyard at this hour. What if we see something that can't be explained!" he hissed, eyes anxiously dancing from one place to another. Afraid that something- out of this world- would pop out, out of nowhere.

The older male snorted and glanced down at the younger. "Don't tell me your scared now?"

Taehyun glanced at him before shaking his head. Scoffing, he says, "Me? Scared? Pfft, I'm Kang Taehyun! Nothing scares me."

"If so then why're you giving my poor hoodie the iron grip? You've been tensed ever since we've set foot outside and you keep scanning every perimeter as if something would pop out in any second. And not to mention you flinch every time we hear noises. Now tell me, honeybee." Beomgyu placed his index finger under Taehyun's chin, making the younger boy face him. "Do I need my eyes checked or you admit that you're scared."

Taehyun stared back at him for awhile before whispering. "I think you should get your eyes checked, hyung."

Beomgyu mentally sighed, 'How stubborn can he possibly be?'

"Alright then, stay close and don't wander. I don't want anything to happen to you because it's dark. And humans are at their most vulnerable state when it's past their bed time." he explained.

"Are you pertaining me to a child?!" Taehyun whisper-yelled.

The older male gave him a side-glance, face blank with emotions. "Frankly I'm pertaining you as you. You are a human yes? But a child can fit the definition as well."

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