Chapter 48: Psycho, pyscho hiss, hiss

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Note: I'm so sorry for the delay guys! I got held up longer than I expected hehe.


The media has two faces.

Or better yet to sides.

It is either filled with positivity, or a nightmare of toxicity surrounding the internet.

People always have something to say in social media, and they always have a right to have a say in someone elses's life and mistakes.

But don't we always have?
Whether it be in social media or in real life; people will always have something to say about a person's life.

And it's irritating.

"If we expose all our dirtiest secrets of gatekeeping, biases and false accusations on the paper, let the students in school read it. And let them look at us one more time and see if we are still reliable in their eyes." Moh-wa says, as a mocking smile was on her face.

"Wouldn't that be great?" her face then shifted from a mocking smile into a murderous one. "After all, you did say that we should follow the transparancy rule as well. So why not wash clean our club's wrongdoings by exposing everything in the paper?"

Hanuel knew Moh-wa was crazy; but he didn't know she was this kind of crazy.

"Did you honestly think that, that would scare me? Darling even if you published that little report of yours, everything would backfire on you. Imagine, hundreds of students commenting on how invasive the school media is and how it doesn't give any respect to other stundents' privacy. Now the students no longer feel safe at school, and our club will surely get torn apart. But that does sound like a good idea, doesn't it?" Moh-wa hums sarcastically before staring into Hanuel.

"Hmm, or... maybe expose the person who published the report? You know how scary the cancel culture is these days. I suggest we expose him there, I'm pretty sure that'll let him learn a very, very valuable lesson, don't you think?"

Hanuel swallowed a lump nervously, clearly this girl was insane. She talked as if she hadn't exposed him earlier, as if Hwa didn't know that he was the one who did it. And began telling him the things that she'd do if she found the culprit; which was him.

Moh-wa talked so casually and cluelessly as if she doesn't know who did it. But in reality, Haneul knew that she wanted him to be scared.

And boy was he terrified of her.

Because Jung Moh-wa was one dangerous wolf hiding under sheeps clothing. She knew too many secrets in school, and she knew exactly how to use them against people.

"Since you like ruining people so much. Why don't I ruin you? I'm sure people have lots to say about your dirt," Moh-wa says mockingly.

"But if you do that you'll only be dragging yourself, Jung." Hanuel spoke, "Did you seriously not think this through? How stupid can you be?" he laughs.

"And your point?"

Hanuel's laughter subdued, eyes caught Moh-wa's calm and blank expression. He frowns, "What?"

"If I drag the whole news committee and myself..." Moh-wa tilts her head. "So what?"

The latter's eyes widen, clearly not expecting this kind of answer from Jung Moh-wa; the sweetest and kindest member of the club.

"I'm well aware that I'll be dragging the whole club as well as myself in danger..." Moh-wa begun. "But I'm sure you and I know that the club as well as myself deserves it. After all you did say that I'm a gatekeeper, a hypocrite and biased."

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