Chapter 68: Talks of Tension and a Book

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The next day the students are on the bus once more being tour-guided around to see the ancestoral landmarks situated around Busan. And after that they were allowed to roam around.

Every student in the trip divided themselves into groups, and others went solo.

Taehyun got adopted into Kai and Yeonjun's little group which only consisted of the two of them (three now that Taehyun is here). He was sitting on a bench just near the bus where their history teacher said they'd all meet before lunch. Not exactly having the energy to roam around, that was until the two spotted him and decided he'd be a good addition for their little adventures.

"Where's Beomgyu?" Kai asked, handing Taehyun a corndog coated with potato cubes.

They were currently walking around the street food market, Taehyun watched as Kai and Yeonjun argued whether or not if they'd go into a café or not seeing as all of them were a bit overpriced.

"He's with San-hyung," Taehyun takes the corndog from Kai, mumbling a small thanks before taking a bite.

"It's strange not seeing Gyu yipping behind you Tae," Yeonjun snickers, unwrapping his sandwich.

Taehyun shots him a confused look, "Why is that strange? He doesn't have to stay by me all the time, he has a life too y'know?"

"I know Tyun," Yeonjun says. "But that doesn't change the fact that he's usually stuck to you twenty-four seven."

"He doesn't stick to me twenty-four seven," Taehyun frowns before diverting his gaze to Kai. "Beomgyu-hyung doesn't stick to me twenty-four seven, right Kai?"

To this Kai scoffs, "I'm surprised that you didn't even notice—but then again Gyu-hyung doesn't even realize what he's doing either."

"But you and Hwa are together all the time!" Taehyun accuses him to which Kai shrugs.

"That's because she and I are friends, seriously people need to normalize heterosexual friendships not all boys and girls who spend a lot of time together are like, a thing ya'know?" Kai explains in a nonchalant voice.

"And no Tyunnie, unlike you and Gyu-hyung, we don't have any sorts of tension," Kai adds before Taehyun could include their closeness into the conversation again.

"What do you mean by tension?!" Taehyun exclaims, his heart pounding hard against his ribcage and he feels like his mind is getting mushy.

There was no tension, as much as Taehyun would like to say it. But he wouldn't deny—couldn't actually, because lately he's been noticing a tension of. . . sorts, recently swirling around him and Beomgyu.

Taehyun never really acknowledged it, dismissing the rather intimate tension hanging around as if it was just natural. But maybe that's the reason why he never minded the tension—because it felt natural, too natural that it was frightening.
And the realization that he and Beomgyu are friends and roommates made the matter more terrifying in realization.

Worst of all, his mind and heart are actually indulging it too.

Taehyun could only dodge the question by bouncing it back, "And you and Hwa don't?"

"Duh, like I said earlier we don't," Kai utters, biting his sandwich.

The blonde male shrugs, furtherly pushing the idea so previous topic slips away from his mind. " I mean you never know, my uncle and his wife were best friends before they married. Who knows maybe that'll happen to you and Hwa?"

"Oh, now that's something interesting," Yeonjun giggles and proceeds to teasing. "I mean isn't it quite convenient? Falling in love and marrying your bestfriend?"

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