Chapter 40: Heartbreak Part II

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Beomgyu lets out a sigh as he stood in front of the student council office.

Never thought that his older brother would do something so heroic yet so stupid act to save Yeonjun's scholarship.

Not that he was criticizing his hyung's decision; Beomgyu just found it to be rather reckless.

Or maybe really reckless.

Beomgyu never thought that he's actually going to comfort his brother.

Letting out one final sigh, Beomgyu twisted the doorknob and thrusted the door open. He didn't bother knocking since the other memvers of the council would probably be at home in this hour. As Beomgyu walks inside, he found his brother on a swivel chair facing the window.

He then noticed a few pencils and ballpens harshly torn in half on the table, papers scattered around said table and also on the floor. Some had furious scribbles and writings while some were crumpled and teared. A few tables were flipped beside him, though luckily they weren't cracked.

To be frank Beomgyu never saw his hyung throw a tantrum. But he knew if Soobin was at his designated dorm the damage would be much worse than this.

"If you're here to criticize my, in your words, reckless decision then go ahead. I'm listening," Soobin says in a hoarse and raspy voice.

"Crying won't do you any good you know." Beomgyu comments as he closes the door.

Soobin didn't answer.

Closing his eyes, Beomgyu lets out a sigh. "Why did you even–"

"Don't act like a fool brother you know why I did it," Soobin hissed.

"I know, but why didn't you tell Yeonjun that you were being blackmailed!" Beomgyu exclaims.

"It's best if he doesn't know."

"And make him miserable?!" Beomgyu snaps. "I know you hyung, you don't make decisions that recklessly. You plan it out, you create a back-up plan and an offensive attack if necessary so why did you break up with him?!"

"Did you think it was easy for me to do that?!" Soobin snaps, standing up from the chair he was sitting on.

"Did you think that my heart wasn't aching when I know I won't see him smiling because of what I did?! Did you think I hadn't shed a tear because I had no choice but to break up with him?! Yeonjun's scholarship wasn't the only thing they would terminate if I don't break up with him Gyu," Soobin says, tears rolling down his eyes.

Beomgyu furrowed his brows. "What do you mean Yeonjun-hyung's scholarship isn't the only thing they'd terminate?"

Wiping his tears away, Soobin lets out a shaky sigh before facing his dongsaeng.

"They said if I don't break up with Yeonjun, not only will they terminate his hard-earned scholarship but also ruin his name and makes sure that he's in every university blacklist in Korea so no school wilk accept him..." Soobin pauses, he closes his eyes tightly which made tears roll down his cheeks before whispering painfully.

"They said they'll ruin his future."

Beomgyu felt a twinge of pity and sadness for his hyung. He knew how much Soobin loved Yeonjun, and to see that his influencial older brother look so helpless.

The younger male couldn't help but cuss at himself for not being able to help him.

"Is there... Is there anything I can do?" Beomgyu asked in a whisper.

Soobin only shakes his head and smiled sadly.

"I'm afraid there's nothing you can do brother." the older male got up from his seat and walked up to Beomgyu.

"Then at least tell me who do you think is capable of doing this to you? Even just for an assumption or possibility hyung," Beomgyu persists.

"Just let me help you," he pleaded.

However Soobin could only shake his head and flash him a tight smile.

"I appreciate thay you want to help Gyu. But unfortunately there's nothing you can do to help me with this one," Soobin says, patting his brother's shoulder.

Then a soft sound of a message could be heard from the younger Choi's phone. Taking it out from his pocket, Beomgyu saw the notif.

"It's Taehyun." he announced.

Soobin nodded. "Say, have you heard from Soojun?"

Beomgyu's eyes widen as he watched his hyung pick the crumpled and ripped papers before placing it in an empty trash can.

"No, was he from mom's side of the family?" Beomgyu asked.

"Yeah well, he's our cousin from aunt Jisoo—"

"Oooh... now I remember, the little rascal," Beomgyu comments.

Soobin scoffs. "Why do you always call him a rascal? Poor kid's never done anything to you, y'know?"

Beomgyu clicked his tongue. "Tsk, he's a prankster. You just can't see it."

"And you can?" Soobin rose a brow.

"Of course I can," Beomgyu says with pride.

"How cocky of you," the older Choi comments.

With a long sigh, Beomgyu re-adjusted the strap of his bag before speaking.

"I'll be going now, just call me when you change your mind. My offer for help still stands."

Soobin gave him a grateful smile before nodding. "Thanks."

The brunette flashed him a quick smile.

"No problem."


Moh-wa let's out a sigh as she stared at her laptop, there in front was the picture Soobin had sent her.

"I swear... what in the heck should I do with this? There's not even a stupid clue," she mutters.

Moh-wa draws another breath as she ran a hand through her hair before pushing back her glasses further onto her nose bridge.

She tries to examine the photo once more, after a few minutes the results were still nothing.

"Agh! This is soooo..." she lets out groan, messing her hair out of frustration.

"Wow, never seen you so worked up before," a voice came from the door.

Looking up, Moh-wa saw Aeh-tin, her roommate leaning against the said door.

"Well what can I say? I'm a procrastinator," the latter chuckles strainly before closing her laptop.

"Ah, not surprised. Well anyway–catch!" Aeh-tin threw a bottle of what seems to be milktea at Moh-wa who caught it with ease.

"Woah thanks man!" quickly Moh-wa twists the bottle cap open and immediately chugged down the drink.

"You working on an article or sumn?" Aeh-tin asked, occupying Moh-wa's swivel chair that was beside her study table.

"Nah, just doing a bit of research and data analyzing," Moh-wa says, clicking her tongue.

Hwa felt bad for lying, but since Soobin and Yeonjun's relationship was strictly confidential. Then she figured that it was best to only keep the secret closed in her mouth.

"Sounds boring," Aeh-tin comments.

"It's frustrating," Moh-wa adds bringing the bottle near her lips before drinking it once more.

And then, Moh-wa's phone beeped. Casually the latter grabs her phone from her nightstand only for it to reveal a message from Soobin.

From: Mr. VP Soobin

Soojun is up

Just now


I hope you liked the chapter:)


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