Chapter 70: Campfire talks Pt.2

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Falling in love is hard, but staying in love is harder.

But how does one know if they are in love when feelings are not their strongest suit?

Zeki Kim does not comprehend love, for him it is a process filled with delusions and even more delusions.

A lot of people say that love is this wonderful feeling, something that makes you go wild and feral. But at the same time makes you feel alive, it is euphoric to the heart.

But the process of getting into that kind of love is exhausting to say the least.

And Zeki finds it utterly stupid to endure such a long (possibly painful) and exhausting.

He'd rather stay alone for the rest of his life, what is the use of love if it takes that long to find?


Beomgyu was never really fond of books, but this one is something he can (somewhat) relate to — in the matter of perspective.

The boy, Zeki was someone who had never understood the concept of falling in love. And why is love always so exhausting and damaging in the process of having feelings for someone.

And Beomgyu agrees with him, why hurt yourself in finding the one you love when you can just not do it either?

But then after what Kai said, something made Beomgyu question himself and his own thoughts about love. He was lost and he didn't know what to do, but he did know what to do to be honest.

He just didn't want to admit that he needed help.

So, as if it was just ten years ago. Beomgyu found himself dragging his Soobin-hyung to the rooftop of the hotel, only a few people were there when the elevator doors slid open. An older couple and a few adult guests that went back inside just now.

A good place to be vulnerable.

You see Beomgyu was never the type to show vulnerability in public, society was never merciful when it comes to crying or appearing weak. And so when he feels a bit too restless with a problem or just really upset, he runs to Soobin.

They rarely had moments like these, but when they do. Soobin always had his arms wide open despite their bickering and insults, because no matter what they were brothers.

His older brother.

Always his older brother.

They sat on the bench that faced the glass railings, wind blowing their hair in wild directions. The Choi brothers were wrapped in a blanket of comfortable silence, leisuring the peace of not speaking.

However thst peace was bound to get broken as one needed to speak.

"Alright," Soobin spoke, eyes glancing at Beomgyu. "What do you want to talk about?"

Beomgyu opens his mouth but soon presses his lips together, he does the same action again as if he was struggling to word it out for his older brother. But unlike the usual, Soobin doesn't tease him, instead he waits pateintly for his little brother to find his words.

"It's. . ." Beomgyu croaks as if he swallowed a large pill. "It's about what Kai said at the campfire."


To this Soobin turns his head to his brother who does the same exact action, their eyes meets. And the older male could see the troubling emotions swirling around Beomgyu's eyes, as if it was a window unraveling dark treasures unwanted from the world.

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