Chapter 53: Promise Me

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Note: I know this is kind of late but Happy 4 years with TXT guys!❤️🎉


"A ball?"


Moh-wa and Kai says in unison, eyes on the four boys infront of them.

All of them are now currently gayhered in a small picnic table away from the booths and food stalls. Kai was still eating his leftover corndog when Beomgyu dragged him towards a certain area where Soobin had texted him to meet.

"Unfortunately," Soobin sighs, massaging his temples.

"If that ball gives us another scare like last time count me and Taehyun out of that," Beomgyu states, remembering how he almost lost it when the younger male wandered off while the roulette was at yellow.

He grimaced, not a good flashback.

"Too late, father had our names listed on it already, inclusing Yeonjun and Taehyun." Soobin sighs.

This made Beomgyu frowned. "How the heck does he know about Taehyun?!"

"Maybe because he's the chief of police?" Taehyun spoke in a question form. "I mean doesn't that mean he has input on almost everyone his kids are in contact with?"

Beomgyu rose a brow. "And that doesn't bother you?"

The younger male blinks, "Why would it bother me? I have nothing to hide."

Yeonjun nods and gestures at Taehyun. "He has a point."

"Anyway, dad sent me the invitation through email. It said we need to be atleast six to enter the ball," Soobin informs them.

"Then just add Hwa," Beomgyu points at the brunette who was peacefully sipping her blue lemonade.

Moh-wa points at herself cluelessly, "Me? But-"

"Great, then that's settled. Hwa will be partnered with Hyuka," Soobin states.

"Yes! Will be third wheels together Hwa!" Hyuka squeals, shaking the lady beside him.

Moh-wa frowns, "Does that mean I'll have to wear a dress?"

The vice president nods, "Long gown, specifically. It's a must for the ladies," Soobin says and shows her the invitation.

Moh-wa clicks her tongue, "Typical, can't even dress comfy."

"Were you planning on wearing your pajamas to the ball?" Beomgyu asked in a playfully mocking tone.

"I would if I could," Moh-wa grumbles but blinks in confusion when she saw her drink was not infront of her.

She looks to her left and saw Hyuka slowly taking her drink away. The young boy noticed her staring at him.

"Can I take a sip? Hehe," Hyuka asked with a giggle, pertaining to the blue lemonade.

Moh-wa shifted her gaze to her drink and then back to Hyuka, and with a lazy nod she thrusted the drink towards the blonde haired male who's eyes lit up when she did.

"Do you have a gown to wear?" Yeonjun asked.

Moh-wa nods, "Yup, got one as a gift from my brother last year," she says and shrugs. "Never used it though."

"Great!" Yeonjun exclaims, "Show me the dress later so I can think of what kind of hairstyle will suit you."

Blinking, Moh-wa smiles in cofusion.



"Gosh..." Beomgyu murmurs as he harshly yanked off the tie that was around his neck.

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