Chapter 66: Confusion in its finest

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It might be mentioned in many aspects either in films or in books, or just a normal phrase in coversations heard everyday.

It usually means unchanging; permanent.

However constant does not apply to the world.

In fact change is more befitting because we go through it everyday.

It could be a store that students used to go to during their elementary years, but now said store has been turned into a gasoline station. It could be a person, starting out as a little toddler running around in pre-school — now all grown up and was now running up their building for their morning class in college.

And there is something so funny about change and it is not how time flies so quickly; but how people accept the fact that everything is changing so easily.

A human like any other can adapt to anything, just like animals adapting to its environment people adapt to change. And for some reason it is so easy as if it was like breathing air.

But sometimes breathing can be hard.

Life can be hard.

And that's where change starts to hurt, that's where we start to comprehend; to see, to realize.

That change is horrifying, and we go through it every time. And we witness it everyday.

It is inevitable, because we have no choice.

Beomgyu had long thought about change, it started as a small thought in his second year at Middle School. And somehow the thought grew deeper and deeper as he reached High School.

It was quite an interesting thing to ponder on, how change was easily accepted into humanity. It had its uses though, improving the life to be a bit easier to people.

He thought about his own life with it, when he was a toddler noticing way more around his surroundings than others. To his adolesence where he deliberately pushed Soobin away by his 'emo' phase.

Beomgyu glances at his window, he faintly sees his reflection despite the view of buildings and vehicles.

But he wasn't looking at himself.

Taehyun was sleeping beside him, back leamed on his seat, headphones covering his ears and his mouth agape. The window showed the sideview of the younger's face.

Beomgyu frowns, Taehyun was always so enamoring to look at.

And he doesn't understand why exactly.

There was something about Taehyun when the sun's rays hits the corner of his eyes, shining like pools of gold.

There was something about Taehyun when he smiles, a toothy grin and his canine teeth peeking out.

There was something about Taehyun when he giggles, melting his serious and calm persona — becoming somewhat younger and more carefree. It always reminded Beomgyu that he was the older one.

There was something about Taehyun when he speaks, spouting random fun facts and sharing his deep thoughts about things that intrigued him. And Beomgyu couldn't help but listen to everything.

And there was just something about Taehyun even if he doesn't do anything.

There was just something, something about the younger that Beomgyu couldn't place a finger on.

It wasn't like Beomgyu did not have words to describe it; of course there was appeal for one.

But Taehyun was more than just appealing.

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