Chapter 24: Lo, and Behold!

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"And besides, I don't find any lips pretty."

"Just yours Mi Corazon."

Taehyun shook his head as he adjusted the strap of his bag. It's been weeks since the lipstick incident and the words Beomgyu had said were stuck on the blonde's mind.

He didn't find any lips pretty but he finds Taehyun's lips pretty?


Okay that's a bit confusing and Taehyun doesn't even know why he's over-thinking about this so much. The blonde knew that his hyung was -is- quite the flirt and he knows that the older was only teasing him. Which he has gotten immune to for the past two years of being his dorm mate.

So why was he bothered by it now then?

Why were Beomgyu's words so impactful? It was nothing special, it was just a plain compliment that his lips were pretty.

But I guess his mind or heart were playing tricks on him to convince him that Beomgyu had feelings for him.

Psh, yeah right. As if Taehyun would date him, he wasn't even near his type.

So if he was immune and has no intentions of dating Beomgyu. Then why are the latter's words still stuck on his mind?

"Taehyun? Taehyun? Earth to Kang Taehyun? Hellooo~ is DJ Tyun still in there?" the blonde flinched when he saw Jeongin's hand waving on his face. Almost resulting his books to fall down on the marbled floors of the hallway.

Blinking his eyes, Taehyun averted his head to his friend. Sending him a glare, "Jeongin what the heck?! My books almost fell!" he whispered, slapping the latter's hand from his face.

Scoffing, the latter says. "Then pay attention to what I have to say! Wait, not say, I mean, spill because I have some real hot pipping gossips....."

Taehyun felt a soft tap on his shoulder, looking over. He saw a young lady, preferably the same age as him and maybe a few months younger too.

"Umm.... excuse me," the girl says, Taehyun could feel that she wasn't really a talker. She was pretty tense and she couldn't make direct eye-contact with him.

"Hmm?" Taehyun hummed softly.

"Uhh... Y-You dropped this," she stammered, handing Taehyun a pen.

His black sign-pen.

"Oh! I didn't notice that it fell. Thank you so much," the blonde beamed, gratefully taking the pen from the latter.

The lady gave him a lousy grin and waved Taehyun off. Showing that she wasn't shy anymore. "Nah, don' mention it. Bye!" she says as she walked away.

Taehyun watched as the girl's figure animatedly grew farther and farther until it blended into the crowd of students.

Now the blonde may not be a social butterfly. But he could recognize anyone in CYSM from the back of his hand.

However, that girl, Taehyun never recognized her from anywhere. Or at least that's what he thinks, I mean she could've been a transferee for all he knew.

'Huh, well, she must be one of those shy silent kids,' he thought.

Spinning around, he noticed that Jeongin was still walking further away from him. Still blabbering about whatever gossips he picked from the other students, quickly and quietly. Taehyun power-walked to catch up with Jeongin's pace.

".....And then I saw them making out in front of Mr. Jim's car! Like, wow, the disrespect in that!" Jeongun blabbered, looking at Taehyun who merely smiled and nodded at him.

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