Chapter 50: Miss you

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Happy Birthday Tyunnie!!!🎉🎂

Note: sorry for the wait guys midterms and quarter exams kept me away huhu 😭😭 I know its kinda late but Sugar rush ride's soooo good!!! jwndnwjsjkw, it was like run away and blue hour mixed with can't you see me. ABSOLUTE MASTERPIECE!


"So what should we do with them?" Hyuka asked as he points Soobin who had clung himself to Yeonjun.

"Obviously leave the room, they might do stuff that aren't child-friendly right infront of us if we stay any longer," Beomgyu says nonchallantly.

"You know we can hear you right?" Soobin interjects, glaring at his brother.

Beomgyu feigns a surprised look. "Oh now that's a surprise, I thought since your cuddling Yeonjun like a drunken koala you must've forgot the other people in the room. But that's a relief that you don't and also a relief 'cause now I can get my roommate back," he says, smiling widely (fakely).

Soobin rolled his eyes, "Is that why you're so happy?"

Still smiling, Beomgyu answers. "Is my smile not obvious enough?"

Soobin scoffed, "Well you can't go, we still have to wait for Moh-wa."

"Soo's right, we have to wait for Hwa for the news." Yeonjun utters, trying to gently unwrap Soobin's arms that were around his body.

"Binnie, love?" Yeonjun adds, patting Soobin's hands. "Is it okay if you let go of me for awhile?"

Stubbornly, Soobin shakes his head. "No," he says, burrowing his face onto Yeonjun's shoulder.

"Well I'll be, my brother has the serious case of the simp-ness," Beomgyu gasps, earning a smack from Taehyun and a snicker from Kai and Soobin.

"Stop bothering them will ya?" Taehyun spoke.

"Yeah hyung! Just admit that you want whay they have!" Kai says.

Beomgyu sends the youngest a disgusted look. "No thanks, I have major priorities here."

"Oh my gosh, you have priorities?" Moh-wa gasps as she closes the door behind her.

The brunette rolled his eyes, "Of course I have, unlike you," he says.

"So Hwa, how was it?" Soobin asked.

The latter leans against the wall, arm crossed. "Well for one it did catch the students' attention online."

Beomgyu rose a brow, "And?"

"Let's just say the piranhas are feasting on the bait," Moh-wa says as she casually looks at her nails. Lifting up her head, the latter smirks.

"They've been starving for weeks after all."

Hyuka lets out a laugh, "Hwa only you can casually say that some people in social media are piranhas!"

The latter merely shrugs her shoulders.

"Lots of people compare others to animals or things, Hyuka. Besides what more fitting animal could describe netizens than piranhas?" Moh-wa explains briefly as she pulls out her phone and threw it lazily at Kai who caught it with ease.

Once Kai had her phone, the latter quickly checks twitter to see the post Moh-wa posted a few minutes ago.

"Woah, 1k retweets?!" Kai gasped.

"And counting," Soobin adds, a smirk on his lips.

Beomgyu snorts, "Jeez Hwa, your article even reached I.N.N!"

The I.N.N also known as the Information-News Network was run by college students in CYSM University. And if the article that Moh-wa made caught their attention, the headmaster would definitely know it.

"'A member of the Newspaper committee's 'THE TEA' blackmails a fellow student. The column has been popular ever since it was added as a new addition two years ago by the NC. Does this mean that they get their content by blackmailing people? So does that also mean they've been threatening people for two years? The NC has yet to confirm the article but as it was published by a fellow NC member then it seems there has been an inner dispute inside our Newspaper Committee," Beomgyu finishes and lets out a laugh.

"You sure know how to cause trouble, Hwa!" he adds.

Moh-wa shrugs in response, "What do you expect from a middle child?"

"Will you be alright, Hwa?" Taehyun spoke, worry on his tone, "I mean you did post the article. Doesn't that mean your fellow members will be after you?"

The brunette nods, "Yup, that's right."

"And what will you do about that?" Yeonjun asked, sharing the same worried look and tone.

"Ah, well..." Moh-wa scratches her head and flashes them a sheepish smile.

"I forgot about that."


Taehyun found himself sighing in relief as he walked back to the dorms.

"Quite relieved, aren't we?" he rolls his eyes, glancing to his right to find a smirking Choi Beomgyu.

"Yeah I mean, the Soojun couple is saved so I'm happy with that." Taehyun hums, hands behind his back. "Though Moh-wa got a long-way hour nag from Yeonjun," he giggles.

After revealing that she didn't thought about the possibility of her life being threatened. Yeonjun switched into mom mode and began nagging her about how she should have went full anonymous so she wouldn't have her life on the line and what-not. Hyuka was laughing, obviously enjoying the show.

"She deserves it though," Beomgyu chortles. "Let's see if she's still alive tomorrow."

The two boys laughed as they went back to their dorm.

"Wah~ it's nice to be back in our dorm," Taehyun says as he did a stretch.

"Say hyung, how about we—" as the blonde haired male turns around, Taehyun felt two arms wrapped around his waist and a faint scent of peppermint and lemon tickled his nose.

"Finally," Beomgyu whispers, resting his chin on Taehyun's shoulder.

"Um... hyung?" Taehyun wraps an his arms around the older male, trying to balance himself and Beomgyu.

"It's so weird not being able to see you all day in a week," Beomgyu mutters, his nose nuzzles onto Taehyun's neck.

"I miss you."

Taehyun was startled, a not so subtle blush creeping onto his face. Slowly placing his arms around the older.

"You... You missed me that much?" he whispers.

Beomgyu lets out a chuckle, and Taehyun could feel his hyung tighten the hug.

"A bit too much, Sweetcheeks."


I hope you liked the chapter:)


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