Chapter 10: Knight In Shining Armor

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"He-Hey....." Taehyun uttered nervously.


The said raven haired male glared at Taehyun. "Don't you 'hey Jimin-hyung' me young man. And what did I hear from Gyu that you were stalked by some creep? Is it true?"

Taehyun sighed, scratching his neck. "W-Well, kinda?"

"He was threatened by the latter too," Beomgyu added, earning a glare from Taehyun.

"HE WHAT?!" Jimin shouted. "Where is that kid?! Where?! I swear if I see him walk through here I am gonna..."

"Hyung, please don't create a scene. The police have already took care of him, and besides. I'm fine, no scratches nor bruises," Taehyun said assuringly.

The older male's eyes softened as he let out a sigh. Pulling the blonde haired latter into a hug. "Thank god you're okay, he didn't do anything to you. Right?" Jimin broke the hug and examine his little brother's face and body, searching gor any wounds or cuts on his skin.

The blonde shook his head. "No, luckily Beomgyu-hyung came just in time." Taehyun glanced at the brunette who gave him a smile.

Jimin chuckled, "Funny how Beomgyu always pops out of nowhere whenever you're indanger Taehyunie."

"Oh and Gyu...." the ravenette walked over to Beomgyu, the older gave the young lad a grateful smile and gave him a hug which only lasted briefly. "Thank you for always protecting my lil squirrel when I'm not around."

The brunette smiled. "Don't mention it Jimin-hyung. I'll always protect him, so rest assured that no one will ever lay a finger on him."

"I'm not five to be protected y'know," Taehyun sneered.

"No but your fragile."

"'M not!"

After a few bickers, Jimin took the two boys into a restaurant for an early dinner. And of course bugging poor Taehyun about having an appointment with a psychiatrist. He said it would relieve him from his trauma a few hours ago. However, Taehyun insisted that he was fine and there was no need for setting any appointments with a psychiatrist. And besides, he wasn't traumatized by what happened.

Beomgyu only laughed as Taehyun almost had tears in his eyes when Jimin babied him. The older was trying to feed his baby brother but the blonde would dodge the spoon, making it quite amusing for the brunette.

When they finished eating, Jimin drooped them at their dormitory. Giving Taehyun and Beomgyu a kiss on the forehead before driving away. The walk back to their dorm room was quiet, none of them said a single word.

That is until Taehyun giggled.

Beomgyu rose a questioning brow. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, it's just that.... Jimin-hyung had a point," Taehyun chuckled.

"Which is?"

The younger averted his eyes to Beomgyu, flashing him a smile. "That you always pop out whenever I'm in trouble."

Beomgyu gave him a smug smile, "Well what can I say? You're a magnet of trouble Taehyun-ah. Wherever you go, trouble follows."

The blonde gave him a glare, punching Beomgyu in the forearm. "Bully," Taehyun pouted.

Beomgyu chortled as he swung his right arm around Taehyun's shoulder. "Though, even if you bring trouble wherever you go....."

"I do not!" Taehyun interjected.

The older laughed at his reaction, ruffling his blonde hair. "But setting all that aside, you know that I'll always save you. Right?"

Taehyun scoffed playfully. "I can handle myself thank you very much."

"Says the one who got pinned down on the ground."

"Yah! The guy just happens to be more stronger than me!" Taehyun protested.

"Whatever floats your boat sweetcheeks," Beomgyu muttered.

The younger male glanced at his hyung again. "By the way hyung, how did you know where I was supposed to meet my stalker?"

Beomgyu stopped walking as he spun around, facing Taehyun. He placed his index finger on his own lips, creating a shushing sound.

"A noble knight must not reveal his secret, your grace." the brunette whispered, booping Taehyun's nose.

"What's with the knight-ish reply for?"

Beomgyu shook his head and chuckled, Taehyun maybe smart. But sometimes, the younger was a bit slow when it comes to this kind of situations.

The older shrugged. "What about it? I'm your knight and you're my duke."

"But why a duke?"

Beomgyu giggled again. "Because you're my grace, your grace."

The blonde scoffed, looking away, trying to hide his blush.



Hey guys, sorry for yet another delay. I've been really busy with school and it's really annoying, but anywho.

I hope you enjoyed this short chapter even though its a bit cringey and late.

And also thank you for the 400+ reads!


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