Chapter 4: Rooftop and Restrooms

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After an exhausting climb. The two boys were on the floor that was just a couple of stairs from the rooftop. Beomgyu was leading the way, still holding Taehyun's wrist. The younger had many, many questions forming around his head.

'Why is Beomgyu-hyung acting like Sherlock Holmes all of the sudden?'

Lots of why's, how's and et cetera were whirling through his head. Slowly forming a headache.

Then Taehyun collided with the older's back. Making him stumble back a bit, "Why did you stop hyung?" the younger asked.

"I would appreciate it if you stop thinking about my sudden change of attitude Taehyun-ah." Beomgyu replied softly, looking over his shoulder. Staring at Taehyun's eyes.

Okay that sounded a bit harsh to Taehyun. But the younger can fire a much harsher one so it wasn't a big deal.

The blonde was shook, his eyes widen and his jaw dropped. "D-Did you just read my mind?!"

"No, I read your micro-expressions," he answered briefly. Letting go of Taehyun's wrist.

It took a while for the younger to know that they were standing infront of two rest rooms. The left side was for males, while the other side was for females. But, why were they standing infront at the restrooms?

"Uuhh... hyung? Why are we standing infront of the restrooms? I thought we were going to the rooftop?" he questioned.

"Patience sweetcheeks. Just zipper that cherry flavored lips of yours from asking any questions. The suspect is among us, who knows, maybe he or she maybe in the restrooms as we speak. So...." Beomgyu placed his index finger on his lips, whispering a 'shh' smirking as he climbed the stairs again. But Taehyun didn't miss the mischevious glint on the older's eyes.

But wait one second....


"Hyung what do you mean by my lips tasted like cherries?! Did you taste them?!" Taehyun shouted, chasing the older who was running up the stairs.

Beomgyu, who was now at the door that leads outside. Spinning around, he gave the younger a sly grin. "You have an obssesion with cherries Hyun-ah. I wouldn't be surprised that you bought two pairs of cherry-flavored chapstick when we went to the mall last week."

Taehyun was speechless.

The brunette twisted the doorknob before looking over at Taehyun again. "Oh, and for the record. I don't have to taste your lips to know that they're cherry-flavored. You already look like one Taehyunie," he smirked wolfishly. Pulling the door which revealed the rooftop and went outside. Not even bothering to wait for his 'assistant'.

Heat radiated Taehyun's face at what the older male just said. That stupid smooth talker, always gets him! Every. Freaking. Time!

"Ugh, wait up you smooth-talking prick!" Taehyun huffed, following the older. Pushing the door open, the blinding rays of the sun greeted him. He walked over to the older who was standing infront of a puddle of dried blood and little patches of it lead to the railings of the rooftop.

"The police missed a spot," Taehyun muttered.

"They always do sweetcheeks. That makes them stupid as hell," Beomgyu commented, kneeling on his knee as he placed a hand on the blood stained cemented floor.

"Did you just- insulted the campus police?"

Beomgyu shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not."

'Unbelievable,' Taehyun thought.

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