The Aftermath

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Milori closed thedoor behind him and went out to look for his daughter


"Where would she be when she's sad?" Milori asked himself

"I wonder if she could be there.." Milori thought


"Hello Lord Milori, what brings you here?" Said Dewey opening the door

"Greeting Dewey, I was wondering if crystal has perhaps come by here?"Milori asked

Dewey face turned serious

"Come in" Dewey said letting his friend in

"Yes, she did indeed drop by" Dewey answered

"She did happen to mention that Queen Clarion has been.. Behaving off recently" Dewey said slowly as he adjusted his glasses

"I hate to say this, but she's right" Milori replied rather sadly

"How so? If you don't mind telling me that is.." Dewey replied a bit worried

Milori sighed and sat down at the place Dewey showed him

"She's not acting like herself at all.Her usual kindness, patience, attitude"

"At first I thought maybe's she's just overwhelmed..but recently she has taken matters a bit too far"

"But, Starting on a small scale, the preparation for bringing the next season seems to be delayed a bit, which is not a big issue"

"But, I'm surprised. Because she has always been very well organized with her schedule"

Milori began filling out the smaller details and eventually reach the one that concerns him greatly

"Lastly, she .."

"Was being really off with Crystal"

"Rather than strict..she's becoming harsh and unreasonable" Milori began saying out the words slowly

Dewey nodded and listened to his friend

"Well, that is indeed weird by what you said"

"But, well, In my opinion, I think that right now, it's good to give her and crystal some time to work things out"

"Maybe then, the disagreement would..subside"

"Because from what you're saying.. it seems that the Queen is very overwhelmed by Crystal not finding her talent"

"And probably among other things, sorry pal, that's all that I could reckon now" Dewey said and looked at another direction

"It's okay"

"I'll try your method and hopefully things will work out soon" Milori answered

Just then the door opened

"Uncle Dewey, may I-!?" Crystal said but stopped as she saw her father was there


"What are you doing here?" Crystal said clearly still upset with what happened earlier

"Sweetie, I.."

"Apologise on behalf of your mother's attitude"

"She have indeed said too much, but I'm sure Mother doesn't meant what she say"

"Shall we go home, sweetie?"

"And we can find out'" Milori said but was abruptly cut off


The Tale of Queen Clarion and Lord MiloriWhere stories live. Discover now