Bliss and struggles

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On this fine day, Milori helped the Queen with her duties as it required long hours standing and examining the petals.

The Queen is in the room making some doodles of the designs of the baby's room( and also for relaxation).

The Queen laughed at her funny looking doodles.

"I'm so out of practice.." The Queen said to herself with a laugh

"Alright, once more, hopefully it will look like something this time" the Queen said

And so, the Queen kept drawing doodles

Soon her husband returned

"Hello darling ,I'm back" Milori said as he put down his saddle

"Hello dear welcome back" the Queen greeted

"I would love to stay ,but there's a meeting, see you later love" Milori said as he peck his wife on the cheek

Milori went out

"He's going to a meeting" the Queen said as she doodled on her book

"GASP! He's going to a meeting!" the Queen said in shock

She was doodling on the book Milori was suppose to take to the meeting

And so, the Queen flew quickly but also carefully and gracefully to her husband


"Enter" Milori said

"Hey honey, you forgot this" the Queen said passing her husband the book

" Thank you ,love" Milori replied

"Erm ,if I may ask..Is it a thing for couple to call each other by name of food?" Minister Spring asked

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" The Queen asked

"I said, is it a thing for couple to call each other by the name of food, since you called Lord Milori 'honey'" Minister Spring repeated

Minister Summer snorted softly

The other fairies(in the room) began to laugh

Minister Spring is confused

"Why are you all laughing?" Minister Spring asked

"Oh you jellybean brain! When you call another fairy 'honey' you don't literally mean the honey produced by the bees" Minister Summer said between laughter

"Let me explain" The Queen said as she wiped the tear from her eye while laughing

"It's a term of endearment" the Queen said

"Oh..there's such a thing?" Minister Spring said in realization

"Yes, there are many terms of endearment" Milori said

"Just like how Queen Clarion and I address other such as: Love, darling , dear, and such" Milori said

"I see" Minister Spring said looking down in embarrassment

Minister Summer laughed harder

"This is by far the funniest joke I've heard in a Millennium! Minister Summer said

"What exactly is in that Clarion-knows-what brain of yours? Minister Summer asked and laughed again

"You really need to chill, Minister Spring, don't be so serious" Minister Summer said as she pat Minister Spring's back

The Queen then let out a small laugh

"I am not aware that I'm an expression" the Queen said

The Tale of Queen Clarion and Lord MiloriWhere stories live. Discover now