The interval

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"Queen Clarion!" a voiced called out from behind

"Yes?" replied the queen as she turned back to see who it was.


"QUEEN CLARION!" exclaimed Minister Spring as he flew towards the Queen, full speed

"Yes?" the monarch answered patiently

Minister Spring  pat the dust off his clothes and calm down himself before speaking.

Lord Milori, Queen Clarion. The tinker fairies had informed me that they require the presence of both your majesties, right now." Minister Spring said

"As in right now right now?" asked the Queen

"yes, right now at this moment" replied Minister Spring

"Thank you for informing us, Minister Spring" said the Queen with a warm smile

"You're welcome" said Minister Spring as he bow lightly and fly off

"One question" said the Queen

"Yes, your majesty?"said Minister Spring as he turned back

"Where exactly do the tinker fairies want to meet the both of us?" asked the Queen

"Oh uh..the Tinker factory, did I fail to mention that earlier?" Minister spring asked which the Queen nodded in response

"My Apologies, Queen Clarion I was-" said Minister Spring as he began to stammered a little

"It's okay, don't worry" replied the Queen with comforting smile

"Thank you" replied Minister Spring as he bow lightly again and took off

"Now shall we go-" Clarion said as she turned back to speak to her fiancé, but saw that he was surrounded by fairies who are bombarding him with questions

"Sorry to interrupt, but I'm afraid it will have to end here today. Lord Milori and I have errands to tend to-" said the Queen to her fairies

"But Queen Clarion I haven't get to ask my question yet!" A fairy said with a frown

"I'm sorry dear, but we really have to get going. We will try to find time again to answer your questions ,is that okay?" clarion said in soothing voice

"Fine.." said the fairy and sighed

"Goodbye, my fellow fairies" said the Queen

"Bye!" said the group of fairies

Milori and Queen clarion waved the fairy goodbye and got on Milori's snowy owl.

"I'm honestly surprised. I thought you would give in and let her ask the question, but you didn't" Milori said to his lover

"Well..I wanted to.I figured that if I allow her to ask, other fairies will continue pleading me to answer their question, and it would be a never ending cycle" Clarion explained

"Smart move, as expected of my woman" Milori replied and kissed on the Queen's cheeks

"Awww..Milori" Clarion said as she began to blush

----------------------AT THE TINKER FACTORY-----------------

"Where are they?!" complained the fairy

A shadow cover over  the fairy for a split second, which  he look up to see Milori's snowy owl with the Queen and it's owner on it.

"Sorry It took a while " Milori said hearing the fairy's complaint

The Tale of Queen Clarion and Lord MiloriWhere stories live. Discover now