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Without any warning whatsoever, crystal marched into the room


"Your highness?! What are you doing here?! You have to leave this room it's-' the medical talent said and tried to shove the princess out of the room but she refused

"Crystal!What are you doing?! " the Queen said opening the door

"Mama..Ms curadora said the secret to cure some fairy is to have the heart to help them. I can be like her" Crystal said looking at her mother

"Ms Curadora is not real! It's just a fictional story for little children!" The Queen told her daughter

"Ms Curadora may not be real, but my friendship with willy is! I want to help him Mama!" Crystal replied

"I'm sorry to say but there's nothing you can do. Crystal, Listen to mama" Milori answered

"I refuse to believe that! I can't..I don't want to lose him" Crystal said and flew to William's side

"'s okay. Thank you for everything" William muttered slowly

"No, I won't accept this! I have to help him and I'm not going down without a fight!" Crystal shot back

In moments, a turquoise light shone from the princess body that caused every other fairy present to cover their eyes.

After the light diminished, Crystal looked around, shocked.

"Wh-what. What in the world?! Did I kill William?" The Princess said almost sobbing

"It's that same light from 8 years ago...." Vindeca said in disbelief

"Princess, you healed him" Vindeca said with shock still plastered across her face as she walked towards her son examining his body

"Mother..what happened? I'm no longer in pain, and I feel good as new" William said and got up

"William, My son..thank goodness" Vindeca said as she walked towards her son ,held his hands and hugged him

"Your highness, you  have saved another life from near death" Vindeca said as she release William and turned back to face Crystal

"Thank you, for saving my son" Vindeca said kneeling down

"Ms Vindeca please, you didn't have to do this..."Crystal said as she pleaded for the adult fairy to stand up

The other medical talents left the room, to give the mother some personal space

"But..what do you mean 'saved two fairies from near death'?" crystal asked

"Crystal. Eight years ago, when I gave birth to you, it nearly cost me of my life" the Queen said with a calm voice

"At the brink of death, you saved me" the Queen said as she had a smiled on her face with some tears in her eyes

"Wha-what?!" Crystal said in shocked once again

"That's true, Ms Vindeca and I were the witness" Milori confirmed

The Princess was baffled.

First, her friend was dying, but now is healed

Second, she had a light shining out of her body 

Third, she found out that she healed not one, but two fairies in her life-Wow.

"Young fairy princess" said a voice as a figure form from papers

"You have found your talent. The talent that you had  possessed since birth" Delphic declared

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