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*Back to the present*

*Two days after The Queen had been put under a strong spell*

On that night after Milori was informed of the news:


"Lord Milori? Are you in? asked Minister Summer

"Do you need something?" Milori asked

"Well, nothing in particular really..just that we have a meeting tomorrow...please come if you can..it's quite important" said the minister

Milori didn't reply.

"But it's ..up to you, if you need more time..then it's okay" said Minister Summer

After that night, Milori composed himself. He spent the night thinking about how he is going to reply the questions the fairies are dying to know.

The truth is, even he does not have a clear idea of what's going on. Red dust, wife in a coma, that's it. 

But of course; he can't just say that the Queen is in a coma; that'll cause a panic.

He ordered breakfast to be delivered to the room.

He is worried about how the other fairies will think, but he can't stay locked in.

He took at bath, wore clean clothes, put on a brave face and walked out of that door.

-In the meeting room-

"Do you think that he'll show up?" Minister Spring asked

"Well, I don't know ,really..he seemed very upset" Minister Summer said

"That must have been a hard blow, I've never seem Lord Milori like that, ever." Minister Autumn said

"Well , yeah. They just got married and kaboom! This happened" Minister Spring said

"Anyways.. you'll be the one to speak of this...matter right, minister Summer?" Minister Spring asked

Milori walked into the room.

Only minister Winter noticed.

"Er guys?" Minister winter said

"I-I can't do it, you do it" Minister summer reasoned

"But you should do it, you are the minister of summer!" Minister Spring said

"Oh please, help me do it!" minister Summer plead

"No way! I'm also scared out of my life!" Minister

"MINISTERS!" Said winter glaring at the two ministers

"What?" Minister summer asked

Minister Winter pointed at the King.

Minister Summer froze.

"Good morning, ministers" Milori said calmly

"Good morning, King Milori" greeted the Ministers

"Just for the record, You may still call me Lord Milori if you'd wish"Milori said

"What's the important news?" Milori asked

The ministers were silent.

"Minister Summer, don't leave him standing there like an idiot, tell him!" Minister Spring whispered

"If you're so brave, why don't you do it?" Minister Summer whispered back

"Lord Milori, It is Minister Spring who have something to say" Minister Summer said

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