Chapter 6

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Christian Edmond Xavier


"Hi Christian."


"So, how's your night."

"Eh, normal.

How 'bout you?"

"I tidy up the new suits that you gave me, and talk to Ann."

"Who's Ann?"

"Oh, she's my roommate."


by the way, could you give me a favor?"

"Yeah sure."

"I have a few boxes that I need to bring upstairs later on. do you want to help me?"

"Of course."








We arrived at the headquarter and I drove to the basement to park my car.






"Here you go."

"This is heavy."

"Hold on we're only going to go to the elevator and put this down."

"Oh no the elevator is full."

"Let's wait for the next one, you could put it down."







"Let's go, I'll hold the door."


"Up we go.

Let me bring them all after this."

"I'm so sorry Christian."

"It's alright."

After that, I needed to attend a basic ass meeting on the 16th, it's about investment and other diagrams that I used to see every single time, and when I got back, I saw Liam massaging his shoulder







"Liam, come here."


Is there is anything that I could help you Christian?"

"Wait let me pull this compartment down."

I massaged his back, his skin is soft and smooth, there's not much body hair. Not like mine. He put on his clothes before the oil dried, so now, he has a huge wet spot on his back. He started to button up his clothes, and at the exact same time, my big brother really needed to barge into my office.

"Christian I nee- oh I'm sorry if I disturbed both of you. Let me wait outside."

"They're having sex dad wait for a while!" Shouted Xander to my dad.

I look at Liam and he looks way way redder than he was before.

"That's alright, I could explain it to my dad. Get yourself dressed first."






"Come in."

"So you really fucked your assistant?" Ask my dad.

"Take a seat first.

No, I didn't have sex with hi-" "HIM?!" "I'm straight dad, I didn't fuck him. I massaged his back after carrying those boxes."

"Then why is his shirt wet?!" Ask Xander.

"I used this oil and he decided to put on his shirt before it dries, so yeah.

I mean did you smell any cum here?"


"Let's move on, so why did you storm into my room without knocking? Is there anything important?"

"Yeah, there is." My dad cuts off our convo.

"So the meeting in NYC is moved to this weekend."

"Why didn't the management call me? that's so unprofessional."

"Maybe a missed call or voicemail?" Xander joins in.

"Nevermind, so it's due in 4 more days?"

"Yes, I'm here only to inform you about that.

We should leave now Xander."

"You seem sus bro." Xander whispered to me.

"Say that once again and you will never step a foot on any of my facilities." I smiled.





"I'm just joking bro, but have you broken up with Courtney?"

"Oh, you mean her? I haven't, I think I might do it later."

"Ou, interesting."

"Come on Xander, we need to go."

"Okay, dad."

Liam and I made the presentation together after he changed into a new set of suits. I never knew that he's good at graphic design too. He's just perfect at being a personal assistant. The day went on pretty nice, we're almost finished with the presentation. I mean, this is a huge project, so I'm just glad that there's someone to help. I drove him home and went back to face my "beautiful" Gold-digger.

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