Chapter 26

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Liam Leighton

"Whe- where am I."

"Oh shit." I gasped after seeing Christian and I being butt-naked.

"Is there's something wrong?

Did that hurt

Did I get too rough last night?"

I stoned.

"Huft, don't say you forgot  everything."

"N- no, I remember it vividly. 


"But what?"

"I- I thought that was some sorts of lucid dream."


It's the best that I've ever had tho, don't be mad at yourself."

I blushed.

"Put this on." He tossed a robe and underwear.

He looked at me struggling to put my underwear. He put on his robe and underwear and scooted down trying to help me.

"I- I can do this by mys-."

"Shush." He put his palm across my mouth and put on my underwear.

"Did you feel dizzy or something?"

"Kind of."

"Just tell me if it got worse okay, let's eat breakfast."






We got downstairs with Christian holding my hands 'cause I can barely walk. William and Lucas were waiting at the kitchen island.


"Good morning Liam, let's eat."





"You could walk up there right? I'mma take this call."


I walk up to William and Lucas while slightly grinning 'cause my butt still aches from last night. They looked at me with confusion.





"Chop-chop let's eat Liam."


So what's about Christian?"

"He usually cooks for himself."






Christian joined us after taking that call.

"Did you feel any worse?" He held up my jaw gently. And stared deeply into my soul.

I glanced at William and Lucas. They're both looking at each other.

"N- no I'm alright."

"Okay." He puts down my face.

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