Chapter 15

383 19 2

Christian Edmond Xavier

"Huh? Where am I?"

I got a bunch of bruises and wounds. My head is spinning and I can barely sit up.

"Where's Liam, why am I here?"

I looked around and it's pretty dark here. The tree covers sunlight from touching the ground. I force myself to stand up and search for the rest of the crew.










I gave up, I still wandered around searching for the remains of my jet. I see a glimpse of light near some bushes. I ran over there.

"Liam Liam." I shaked his body









"Huh? where am I?" He wakes up.

"LIAM." I hugged him tightly.

I explained to him that we have an airplane crash. We searched for food and tents. Thankfully, we have a tent inside the cargo, and for food we ate canned food. None of the crew survived this crash, we found 3 corpses. My bodyguards have their own flight, they should've already started searching by now.















"How long would we stay here? I'm scared."

"The worst case we would stay here for a week."

"Oh no."

"It's starting to get dark. Should we collect some woods?"

"Yeah I think so."

We started searching for small logs. Being stranded here is a curse and blessings at the same time. We could easily search for food and others, while also being exposed to the wild animals.








"CHRISTIAN WHAT IS THAT?!" He jumped to me.

"I don't know, let's find some more logs and put our campfire."

We set up our tent near the rivers, it's not that far from the jets remaining. We don't want to sleep near the corpses. We ate canned food and made a small campfire. I'm okay with being in nature like this But, it seems like Liam wasn't enjoying it as much as I do. We went to sleep after lounging around near the tent.

"Let's sleep now."

"Can I hug you Christian?"














I woke up in the middle of the night. I decided to get some fresh air outside. I got out from the tent trying to be as quiet as I could so I didn't wake Liam up. I tried to call my dad, but I forgot we have no services.

"Ah, fuck I forgot it."

"What happened Christian?" Said Liam while walking close to me.

"Oh, I tried to call my dad, but there are no services."

"Ow." He looked kind of sad.

"Are you okay?

Come here, let's talk." I pat a log next to me.

I put my arm on his shoulder.

"So, where do you want to start? I'm all ears."

"Well, I got kicked out after I came out as gay. My parents were religious as fuck, so they think that I'm a sin that they need to get rid off. And I never get that close with my dad, I didn't quite have a dad figures in my life."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"That's alright, so after that incident. I flew to LA with one or two thousands bucks in my savings, I don't know what came through my mind at that point but, I'm glad I did that. And then after moving here, I started to work in a few part-time jobs and still managed to run low on money, until I found Ann, she just helped me a lot. She even told me about the internship in your company. I owe her a lot."

"Wait, so you didn't come from the United States?" I asked Liam.

"Yup, I come from a small country in Europe.

They didn't support LGBT there."

"Ooohhh I see."

"How 'bout you eh?"

"Oh, well I never got this close to my dad, he cared about Xander, and Victor more."

"So they're your siblings?"

"Yeah, Xander and Victor were twins. They're close with my dad, and I'm close with my mother."

"Where's your mother?"

"Oh, she passed away after getting shot by those mafia groups. The leader got imprisoned because of my dad's intelligence. They tried to topple our company but failed miserably every single time. So after that, my dad just resigned from being the CEO, and 'cause Xander and Victor weren't that great at being the leader, he chose me.

*Sigh* After they knew I'm running the company, they tried to kill me. Those accidents in NYC are their 3rd attempt I guess. And now, it's the 4th."

"So it's revenge for killing the leader?"

"Pretty much like that.

I'm so sorry for dragging you to this madness."

"It's alright." He hugged me.

"It's pretty late now. Let's sleep."

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