Chapter 7

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Christian Edmond Xavier

*beep beeeeeep* 


"Ah shit, I need to pick him up."

Let me take a shower first.

"Good morning darling."

"What do you want now?"

"Can I get the new Birkin bag, babe?"


I stormed through my door and slammed it behind me.

"Good morning Sir, which car would you like to use."

"Get me the Rolls-Royce."

"Okay, sir."





I need to get rid of that gold-digger. My dad set me up with someone that could topple my company. Thankfully the contract only lasts for a year. The sex ain't good either I won't miss that whore.





*Beam* *Beam*

"Oh, my bad Christian."

"That's alright, I haven't waited at all."

"Did you have a nightmare? Or did something bad happen to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your eyes weren't shining as bright as yesterday and your voice tone kinda changed.

I mean if u don't want to talk about it, it's alright I respect your privacy."

Ugh, why does he need to be this cute and caring?

"Yeah, there's some bad thing."

"Did you cut yourself? where?"

"No, it's about my girl-"


"Ye-yeah, I mean not for long. She's a part of my dad's contract and it's ending pretty soon.

The sex ain't good either." I shrugged my shoulder

And with that, his face turns red now it's 2 shades deeper than before.

"I mean I'm only saying the truth."


I drove off to the parking lot and we're continuing our project.




I hear high heels stepping inside the lounge.

"Shit, Liam, put on your coat. FAST!"

"Oh okay Christian."

"Good morning handsome."

And here's my "lovely" gold-digger.

"What? You want to go out?"

"Yes of course babe."

"Take these." I rolled my eyes

"Thank you babe I love you."

I see Liam trying so hard to compose himself.

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