Chapter 21

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Liam Leighton

"So where are we going?"

"Um, Universal Studio. I heard that there's a new attraction."

"Ohh I haven't been there since I graduated from junior high."

"You're lying."

"No I'm not."

"Okay, we're going there."












After 21 minutes of riding we got to the Universal Studio and he bought two express tickets. Christian held my hands and we walked through a few shops there, until I asked him if I could buy souvenirs for myself. He acted like my dad and I'm here being a teenager that never went to Universal Studio. We joked around until.

"Do you want to ride that?" Said Christian while pointing to a ride in the wizarding world.

"Uh, I'm no-" He pulled my hands and I rode those with him.








I screamed my lungs out. I hate it.














"Okay, now we won't ride any roller coaster." Said Christian while patting my back in a bathroom stall.

"That's why you should've listened to me."





We got out from the bathroom and he bought me a bunch of things that I liked.

"Christian, I think this is enough. I don't want to spend all of your money here."

"Shut up, it wouldn't even make a dent in my net worth."

We laughed together.

"Wanna watch those?" He asked.

"Sure, that seems alright."









We go to that attraction, it's called Supercharged or something, I didn't pay attention to the sign. It's making my head hurt at how realistic those are. But, at least it wasn't as bad as the roller coaster earlier. I quite enjoy this attraction.

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