Chapter 8

546 30 0

Christian Edmond Xavier



"Well, I broke up with her last night and this is the result." 

"It's awful." 

"Yup, I mean I'm glad that I cut it off tho." 

"So what's your plan with this car?" 

"I'm going to change the windshield and repaint it." 

"Oh, and what are we going to do this day?" 

"As usual, meetings upon meetings." 

I use the autonomous driving system there because there's no way I could see the road. 







"Come in." 

"Excuse me, sir, I'm so sorry to disturb you." 

"Is there any problem?" 

"Sadly there is, one of our digital-based facilities has been breached." 

"Which one is it." 

"Our online marketplace Sir." 

"Ugh, fire them all, I should've known this before." 

"But, how would we fix this?" 

"I'm in full charge." 

"Okay Sir, may I leave now?" 


Liam helped me with fixing this issue, I'm glad that I have him as my assistant. He's talented at bunch of intricated things. The day went pretty much like yesterday. But, we finished pretty late. 









"Yeah Christian?" 

"Do you want to go to my place?" His face turned red.

"I mean it's pretty late now." 

"U- uh sure?

Let me tell my roommate first." 

I looked at his phone and it had a pretty big crack. 



"What's that?" I said while pointing at his phone. 

"It's a phone? 

What do you mean?" 

"How long have you been using those?" 

"I don't know, almost two years I guess." 

"We're going to the Apple Store now." 









I decided to buy him two of the newest models. I mean one for work and one for personal. The joy in his face getting a new phone soothes me. After that, we drove home and he fell asleep on his seat. He looks so peaceful when sleeping, I'mma carries him to my bed and changes his clothes. Shit, please don't wake up now, I don't want to be accused for sexual harassment. 









"Goodnight Liam," I whispered to his ear. Let me sleep now. *Crawls* Fuck, he's getting too close. I mean, cuddles won't hurt anyone right? I spooned over him and slept afterward.














Liam Leighton


"Oh my Go-" *Thump* 

"Liam? are you okay?" 

I fell pretty hard to the floor and hit my head on the nightstand. I'm glad that the floor is carpeted. He carried me to the bed and looked at my head. 

"Oh, you have a wound over here.

 Wait here for a second."

 He came back with a cotton pad and some rubbing alcohol. 

"Ouch, it hurts Christian, be gentle." He gave me those dirty smirks. And I suddenly regret my word choice. 

"I- I don- me-"

 "Shush. I'm trying to clean this part." 

And I don't know how I just realized it now that I'm in Christian's silk pajamas. 

"Oh, about that. I changed your clothes last night. You fell asleep in my car." 

My heartbeat is rushing through my body. I can't help but blush like an apple.






He asked me to eat downstairs and opened all of the curtains in his bedroom and I'm in pure shock. My whole apartment is as big as this bedroom, this bedroom has chateau beauty that he seems to keep throughout his whole mega-mansion. We go downstairs and the luxury that this house has is immaculate. I wander around his house, looking at the painting on the ceiling. It's so beautiful. 




"Liam, let's eat." 




He brings me to the basement to pick some car. And then, off we go. He's pretty busy this day so I lounged around on the couch and fell asleep. 

"Liam, Liam wakes up." 

"Aahh? oh my God, I'm so sorry Christian." 

"That's alright I wake you up cause lunch is here." 

"Yaaayyy food." We decided to eat and edit some of our presentations for this Saturday.

The day went almost the same for these few days. He's pretty busy, and I helped him continue the presentation for next Saturday. It seemed like this proposal is a huge deal for his company so, I do my best to help him.

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