Chapter 28

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Liam Leighton

"Liam, wake up."


"We're going to try our suit today."

"Oh okay."






I took a shower, alone this time. And after that I went outside and searched for 3 of 'em.






"Oh, good morning Liam."


How's your night William?"


"Fantastic." Lucas cuts off the convo.

We laughed.







"So, what's your plan for today Christian?" Lucas asked him.

"We will try out our clothes for tomorrow."

"Ooohhh interesting."

"How 'bout you?"

"Eh, I dunno. I have the clothes ready for tomorrow."

"Oh, okay."






Christian drove me to XFC, he always insisted on driving the car. I don't even know why. Well, after 20 mins of ride, we got there.





"Good morning."

"Morning." I answered.

"This is the altered suit." Marion handed me both of our suits.

"Let's change." Christian hold my hands.

"S- sure." We went to the changing room.

We changed separately and when I got out Christian already got out.





"Christian, we need to talk." I overheard Victor talking to Christian.

"About what?"

"Are you, you know?" He moved his hand to make the "gay" gesture. Yeah, apparently that's a thing nowadays.

"Gay?" Christian asked him.

"Yeah that."

"No, what do you mean?"

"Oh, I'm just wondering."

"Oh, hey Liam. How's the fit?"

"It's good. I like this one better than the last one."

"Good then.

Let's change back."









"Where are we heading now?"

"Grab some lunch."


"Ummm, I'm still unsure.

Have any idea?"

"I heard that there's a new restaurant near Echo Park, but that's pretty far from here."

"That's alright, let's give it a taste."






"Could we play some music?" I asked Christian.


"What's your genre?"

"Um, I don't know. I didn't listen to music that often."

"So you have a silent trip?!"

"Pretty much like that."

"Oh God that's hell for me.

Let me play it through my phone."

*Capital letters - Hailee Steinfeld*



"This song kinda reminds me of you ain't gonna lie."

"What do you mean?" Christian asked me.

"Well you just give my life a whole turn around."

"Am I?"

"Yeah, I never thought I could work in your incorporation. Let alone becoming your assistant."


"Thank you."

"You're welcome." He patted my head.






We got to the restaurant after a half an hour session banging my head around. Christian and I apparently have the same music taste, we're just vibing inside his car.







"Good morning sir, what can I help you with?"

"Oh can we have two seats?"

"Name please."

"Christian Edmond Xavier."

"Oh- o- okay sir let me guide you to your seat."

I get why the waiter was in pure shock, I mean like he's pretty famous and had a good reputation here.







"What are you ordering?" Christian asked me.

"Oh I'll have this." I pointed to the menu.

"Double that up." 

I get to notice this from him after "that" night. He seemed more bossy when meeting people, and he tends to show up the dominant side. But when it's only both of us. He's just so sweet and caring. I mean the dominant side is still there, I could still see it. Like he's just the best combination of both worlds. I don't know if I could recover from this if we didn't end up together.

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