Chapter 22

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Liam Leighton

"Where are we heading now?"

"Ummmm, I want to buy some Christmas ornaments for my house."


Christian drove me to a christmas store near Bel Air. Funny enough, the store was one of his branches too. He basically owns everything here.








"Christian, what's your colour scheme for this Christmas?"

"Gold I guess, 'cause I'll stay at my beach house."

"Ooohhh, what about gifts?"

"My dad, Xander, and Victor would go for a vacay after the Christmas Eve party. So, I wouldn't get any gifts for them. I might get some for Lucas and William"






Christian buys a bunch of gold ornaments. We need 3 trolleys in order to bring all of the ornaments that he chose. The gold dominates other colors like brown and black. I'm so excited to decorate his whole house.




I checked through my phone while waiting for Christian to pick his tree. As usual, every single thing that Christian did would just blow up. They have more concrete proof that we're dating now. Like I wish man, but I'm not sure about that, he's my boss.

"What are you looking at?" Christian surprised me.

"Oh gosh, you scared me. It's your articles again."

"You have a new hobby didn't you."

"Aha, I think so."

"Let's bring all of that inside my car." He pointed at a huge pile of decorations.


You bring the heavy ones okay?"

"Ahahaha, as always."

We brought all of those decorations together. He drove us to his beach house in eastern Malibu. It's classic as usual, but with darker tones. I just don't understand how he could earn that much money.









"Let's decorate our tree." Christian said while bringing the decoration.

"Let's go.

You decorate the bottom part okay. Let me use a ladder."

"Oh, it's in the attic, let's take 'em together."




The attic doesn't even seem scary at all, it's well lighted. And I could see every piece of furniture that's stored there. We found the ladder, and we got back downstairs. We started decorating the tree.











It took us a few hours trying to make the tree look great.



I fell from the stair that we use to decorate his tall tree. Christian catched me before I could fall to the ground.

"Be careful Liam." He puts me down.

"Thank you Christian." I hugged him.

We continue with decorating the entire house. Christian decorate the high places that I can't reach and I decorate the floor. His house looked like a whole winter wonderland now. Christmas ornaments are all-over his house. I mean it as a good sign. We clean up after that.








"What do you want to eat Liam?"

"Ummm, up to you. I'm not sure."


He cooks some steak for both of us. How sweet is that?

"Oh gosh your cooking is the best."

"You sure?"

"ABSOLUTELY, I wish you could cook my meals every day."

"If you want to, I could use the office kitchen."

"But wouldn't that disturb your work?"

"Ahhh I forgot about that. Just stay in my house every now and then 'kay."

"Of course."







We ate and chatted for a while and I went to sleep. Our "relationship" is actually getting closer. I'm excited and not at the same time. Like what if those incidents happened all-over again? I'll just go with the flow, I don't want to rush anyone or anything now.

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