Chapter 17

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Christian Edmond Xavier

"Good morning Liam."

"Hi Christian."

"You got enough sleep?"


I drove him to the headquarters and our day went like usual. I need to attend more meetings than usual 'cause we need to discuss a bunch of things after those incidents.










"Hey Christian." Lucas pats my back.

"Oh, you're back? Oh my since when?"

"Ummmm when you got those airplane crashes. William and I end our honeymoon and go here."

"Ohhhh, let me introduce you to my assistant."

"WHAT?!" William and Lucas looked at me with confusion.

"Yup, let's go."

We went to our floor and they met Liam.

"Hi Christian." Liam greeted me.

"Oh, who are they?"

"They're good friends of mine. Liam this is William and Lucas. William, and Lucas, this is Liam."

"Nice to meet you sir." Liam shakes their hands.

William and Lucas went to their office. Liam looked at me with confusion. I explained to him that they usually work there. and I explained that he got accepted hereafter William and Lucas go to Hawaii for their honeymoon. Liam looked kind of surprised.

"S- so they're married?" Liam asked me.













Liam Leighton

Christian was attending a few meetings. I'm here waiting for some calls inside our office.

"Hey, Liam." William peek through my office door


"Come here."

"Okay." I follow William to his office. He seemed like a great person.

"How's working with Christian?"

"Ummmm he's nice I mean like extremely nice, he helped me a lot."

"Ouuuu. Have you gotten railed by him?"

"I'm sorry?"

"William! You can't say that." Lucas snapped.

"He's pretty big y'know." William continued

"Yeah, I know that."

"HOW?!" William and Lucas looked at me with confusion.

"Oh, so you haven't seen these articles?" I showed my phone to them.









"I never knew that." Lucas said with disbelief.

"What did you morph him to?" William asked me.

"I dunno, I saw him butt-naked in front of his closet before those."

"What did you see?" Christian entered Lucas and Williams' office.

"Ummm, nothing." I blushed.








We talked for a while. William and Lucas were surprisingly very nice to me. Christian left again because of another meeting.





"How did y'all meet tho? I'm kinda curious."

"So, we're best friends from college, we met at the theater class. We went along pretty well so we continued our journey. And when we heard that Christian is being chosen for becoming the CEO, William and I weren't that sure. We asked his dad if we could help Christian, and he allowed that."

"Ohhh, that's interesting. What about your wedding? I regret not knowing this internship earlier."

"Wait, so you're that intern? The digital mapping one?" William asked me


"Ohhhh." William looked at me with suspicion.

"We got married 2 weeks ago. And we should've had a whole month vacay if it's not 'cause those stupid ass mafia group." Lucas continued.

"Ohhh so you got back here 'cause of that?"

"Well yes, 'cause Christian was the one that made most of the decisions here."

"Ohhh I see."

We chatted for a while until Christian's office phone rang. I rushed to his office and answered the call. It's apparently a new meeting that Christian needs to attend tomorrow. When he got back, I told him that and he drove me home like usual.












"LIAAAAAMMM, you promise me to tell all of the incidents there."

"Yeah of course I didn't forget about that. Let me change first."


After I changed into my normal clothes, I told Ann everything that happened on our business trip. She's stoned, I mean this business trip is a bunch of traumatic events at once. Ann hugged me tightly after I'm done telling my story. It's a therapeutic moment to let go of my weight from this stupid business trip.

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