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WARNING: This story includes swearing, and some sexual content. I will be sure to include warnings for when anything sexual is about to go down, so this story can be read by people of more ages! But sexual jokes and references are still made throughout the story, so be warned Enjoy :)

"Hey Guys! Red Raven here, welcome back to another stream!" I announce to my 3k viewers. I'm Alivia Bennett, but I like to go by Livi. I'm also known on YouTube as Red Raven. I'm a pretty new steamer with 50k subscribers on YouTube, mostly because of my best friend, ValkyRae.

I smile, though I never show my face, and explain the plan for today's stream. "Today, Rae invited me to play a new game called Among Us with some other streamers"

Immediately, my chat was spammed with comments:

User 1: Among us has been out for a while..

User 2: Has she really never played? 

I start to feel insecure, but brush it off by simply responding to their texts "No, actually. I haven't played this game before, but Rae made sure to find the best players so I can learn fast." My eyes scan the chats from my viewers, and many are asking the same question. "And no, I have no idea who I am playing with today, besides Rae." I giggle at my own confusion as I casually type in the code for proximity chat Among Us, and then join the game.

I'm greeted by Rae, "RAVEN!!" she yells through my headphones. When she convinced me to first create my channel, she had promised that my real name would never be revealed to the public. To this day, she is the only streamer that knows my name AND what I look like.

I laugh as I respond to my closest friend, "Hey Rae, how are you?"

"Great, since you FINALLY agreed to play with me." I can almost hear her roll her eyes, "I was starting to think you just didn't want to tell the world about our friendship."

"Rachell, I would never try to hide being your best friend," I assure her, "You know I'm just terrified of new people." I try to laugh off the anxious feeling in my chest, but I can feel my hands shaking. I manage to hide the feeling in my voice as we carry on the conversation.

"Well, Sykkuno is nice!" Rae assured, introducing me to the streamer who had just joined.

I hear an adorable laugh from him before he enters the conversation. "Oh, hello" his shy, almost shaky voice begins. "My name is Sykkuno. You must be RedRaven."

"Hi Sykkuno! You can just call me Raven." If there was one word to describe Sykkuno's voice, It would be UwU. By this time, everyone else playing had joined the game, and Rae started to introduce me to everyone.

Her character roamed towards a light green character wearing a hat. "You know JackSepticEye." Rae giggled.

I laugh along with her before responding. "I don't live under a rock." I hear many voices laugh with me.

"Raven I haven't heard of you before, have you ever played Among Us?" Jack asked me, still chuckling from what I had said. 

I hesitated, but responded honestly. "This is my first time playing with real people. But trust me, I've played freeplay mode enough to know how to play.. just not with others." I giggle, and among the voices laughing with me, one stands out. Deeper than the others, but I convince myself that i'm just making things up.

Rae moves on to stand next to a cyan character. He doesn't wear any accessories, but I hear him speak before my best friend can. "I'm Toast. You may not know me, but I posted a picture of my ass on twitter." At this point, I'm just concerned, so I laugh it off.

Through my hysterical laughter, I manage to speak "Why the fuck did you do that?" Everyone laughed with me as Toast explained how loyal he was to his fanbase, and many people struggle to understand how showing your ass on twitter was loyalty.

After meeting Sykkuno, Jack, and Toast, Rae moved on to introduce me to Felix, Karl, and Bretman. Since Rae is very close friends with Poki, she didn't have to introduce me to her. After going through many introductions, there was one person left. Rae walked up to a black crewmate with cat ears, and he name above him read CORPSE.

"Raven don't freak out." Rae said with a small giggle. I was anxious to know what she meant by this. Did she do something? I ignore my thoughts as she continues. "This is Corpse."

At first he's quiet. I've never been one to speak first, as it's a fear of mine to embarrass myself, especially in front of new people. I decide to break the silence. "Hi Corpse, i'm Raven."

A deep, velvety voice cuts through my words like a knife cuts through bread. "Whaddup baby" The man says in his very low voice.

Without thinking, a soft moan escapes my lips, and I immediately cover my mouth with both hands. I hear the surprise and intense laughter of the people in the game. This actually happens to me a lot. When something causes me to feel surprised, scared, or obviously aroused, my body has an instinct to make weird noises. I pull the mic back towards myself. "Fuck." More laughter echoes into my ears as I try to explain myself. "I did NOT mean to do that." I start to laugh with them, but while they see humour, I see embarrassment.

I listen for Corpse, to be sure he doesn't hate me, and sure enough, his laughter can be heard. He stops to make a comment. "It's all good. I seem to have that effect on people." As everyone laughs again, I laugh with them. It's moments like this where I'm glad I don't use a webcam. I'm more red than a tomato.

When we start, I think to myself, Hopefully I don't fuck the entire game up.

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