15. News Blues

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"On Friday, we said goodbye to three contestants, Scarlett, Ava, and Jake. Tonight, we bid farewell to two couples," Danny announces.

Every single person in the room gasps.

"Some of you have been lucky to find true love. From the moment you met, you knew you found the one, your soulmate. You no longer need to enlist our help.

"Tonight, we say goodbye to Evelyn and Ethan and to Noelle and Tyler."

My heart sinks. They can't.

"In their place, we welcome four new contestants. Enlisted stars, please give a warm welcome to Adriana Payne, Serena Romero, Finn Levitt, and Tanner Norton."

Adriana Payne's red hair swishes over her shoulder while she takes her place in line beside Max. He leans down, whispering something into her ear, and her face flushes.

I barely notice Tanner Norton slide in beside me. I couldn't tell you what he even looks like. I don't care. My best friend is leaving, and my love triangle just transformed into a love square.

Danny thanks viewers, a guy yells, "CUT," and Noelle bursts into tears.

"I'm so sorry," she wails, throwing her arms around my neck.

"Noelle, it's not your fault," I assure her.

"Still," she sniffles. "Mia, I have to tell you something."

My stomach sinks. I had an inkling this would happen, but I thought we'd have more time, as cheesy and heartbreaking as that sounds. "Okay," I choke out.

"I'm moving to Boston with Tyler. I was going to tell you, but..."

I stifle a whimper. "I'm happy for you. Really, Noelle. I am."

"You're the best friend in the entire world," she sobs. "I'll keep paying rent until our lease—"

"It's fine," I interrupt. "It's only a few more months, and I'll have the money from the show."

"Ma'am? You need to get going," a security guard booms.

One last hug, and then I watch my best friend walk away, hand-in-hand with her new favorite person.

A sob escapes, then another. Maddie squeezes me in a hug. "It's okay," she whispers. "You have me."

I'm not all that sad Noelle is leaving the show. I've barely seen her since it started, and I'm glad she can start a real life with Tyler, not a weird TV one. I'm holding back tears because my only friend is leaving New York. I have no one left there. Nothing. No job, no friends, just an expensive, shitty apartment.

I'm upset because I failed.

I don't really want to talk about that right now, so I just nod into Maddie's shoulder.

"The guys are doing a poker night. Want to come? It might be good to get your mind off things."

I nod again and let her lead me to the yellow villa.

I don't know how to play poker. Elijah does, but he sits with my boring ass on the couch instead. "It's really shitty that they're sending couples home," he says softly, drawing circles on my palm with his thumb.

"Yeah," I murmur. "We signed up together, so..." I sigh. "It just sucks, you know?"

"It really does." He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "Do you want to go somewhere more quiet? I'll keep my hands to myself. Promise."

"Yeah, do you mind?" I ask quietly. "I'm sorry I interrupted poker."

"You're saving me a lot of money, actually," he says. "I should cut you a share of my savings, honestly."

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