8. Know-It-All

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After hugging Noelle goodbye and assuring her that I'll be fine to head out with Maddie so she can spend some time with Tyler, I remove my heels for the walk to the villas. I know appearance is important on TV, but I'm too on edge to keep my shit together wearing pumps on loose sand. The way I'm shaking, I'm guaranteed to faceplant at least once if I don't go barefoot.

"Holy effing shit," Maddie gasps as she kicks off her own shoes. "Are you alright?"

I'm really not. I just want to curl up in bed and cry. A man tried to attack me. He's gone now, but I'm going to need some time before I stop trembling. I feel like I could share my woes with Maddie, but I don't know who else is listening.

"I'm going to have nightmares about DJs tonight," I grumble instead.

Maddie laughs, but her smile doesn't reach her eyes. "That was terrifying. Thank God Julian, Hunter, and that guard were there."

"Yeah, seriously," I agree. Then, "Shit! I should go find Julian and Hunter to say thank you." Because I'm feeling like a baby who doesn't want to be alone, I add, "Want to come with?"

"Yes, definitely! They're probably at their villa, right?"

"Probably?" I guess.

We change direction and head towards the men's villa. It's identical to the one the women are staying in, except it's painted a butter yellow color that Mom would adore. Every room back home is a different pastel or subdued shade.

The interior is similar to the women's villa too, but the furniture is black, white, and gray. Very manly. How ever would the men on a heterosexual dating show escape with their masculinity intact if they were subjected to a colorful sitting area?

I give myself an internal pat on the back for keeping that comment to myself.

A couple guys are lounging in the living room, chatting over a football game playing on the TV. A few more are laughing loudly in the adjacent kitchen. I recognize the back of Hunter's head as one of them. I nudge Maddie, and we scuttle on over to catch him before he leaves with the sandwich he's making himself. Points for self-sufficiency, considering we have chefs on staff.

"Hey, Hunter?" I call.

Every guy turns towards me, and I go red as a bloody tomato.

"Mia," he says, ditching his sandwich to stride over, "how are you feeling?"

"Better." I force a smile. I'm happy to be talking to him and even a little tingly, but I've got fifteen minutes tops before I burst into tears. "I just wanted to say thanks for restraining Wyatt. I don't know what would have happened if you, Julian, and the security guard hadn't held him back."

"No thanks necessary. I'm just glad we were there."

"Me too. Anyway, I won't keep you from your sandwich. Do you know where Julian is?"

"I would never choose a sandwich over two lovely gals such as yourselves," Hunter laughs.

Wow. He really is a charmer.

"Maddie, Mia! Looking for me?"

Maddie's face breaks into a huge smile. I shoot her a grin. I think she's got a little crush. I'm about it.

"Just stopped by to thank you and Hunter for holding Wyatt back," I tell him.

"Yeah, sure thing. What a prick. You feeling alright?"

"A little shaken up but good. Just really thankful you guys were there."

"Don't mention it." He opens his arms in a hug invitation, and a wall of guilt hits me for not including him on my list. Also, he's a good hugger. His embrace is friendly and caring at the same time. Ten out of ten.

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