24. Offer They Can Refuse

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"Remember when I said we were going to get married?" Max asks over breakfast, which he brought me in bed.


"Well, I have an idea to get us off the show."

"Extortion?" I guess.

His brows furrow, which means we aren't on the same page here. "No, but please share your extortion plot."

He's making fun of me, not that I care all that much, because I'm a genius. Maybe. "Tell them we'll go public with all the stuff they've done if they don't let us off."

"It's not exactly lawful for me to be breaking into their systems. They would threaten legal action, or they would take legal action. I'm not sure if reality TV being manipulative is that much of a breaking story, anyway."

"Way to rain on my parade, Maxwell," I groan.

"I'll make it up to you." He winks. "My idea is to make them an offer they can't refuse. I'll propose to you on camera."

I press my hand to my heart. "How did you know that's my dream proposal?" I squeal. "I've always dreamed of knowing about it in advance and the whole thing going down on national television."

"I'll do the real proposal later. Amsterdam is beautiful this time of year."

"I don't think you're understanding the concept of proposals being surprises."

Max shrugs. "Tell me, Mia, do you actually have a dream proposal?"

"No," I admit.

"Do you want a romantic proposal?"

"No," I sigh, "but that doesn't mean I want to get engaged just to boost TV ratings."

"I'll make you a deal. If you go along with the plan, I won't do a romantic, cheesy proposal when it's time for the real one."

"And if I don't?"

"It'll be the sappiest moment of your life."

"Most engagements don't start off with an ultimatum," I point out.

"You're right. Most are sappy and romantic."

"We aren't allowed to leave the property. You can't get me a ring, and that's kind of required."

"I already have one."

You know that old comedy trope where someone spits out a mouthful of water because someone said something surprising? Yeah, I do that with coffee, raining on Max's French toast. "What?!"

"I told you. I fell in love with you when I watched your audition."

"You bought an engagement ring after watching ten minutes of me answering generic questions?"

"Yeah." He bites into his breakfast, entirely unfazed by the coffee I spit all over it.

"Max!" I exclaim. "That's crazy."

"Look where we are now. Not even a month into the show, and we're discussing marriage."

I groan very, very loudly.

"So, what do you say we run our plan by Henry and Sarah this morning?"

"Our plan? This is entirely your plan, Max."

"What's mine is yours. Is that a yes?"

"I haven't even told you I love you yet." I'm making very good points, not that Max cares.

"We've got time."

I groan loudly. Again. "Fine."

He grins. "Great. Let's go."

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