29. The Confiscator Returns

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Mom's mood follows the same pattern every time I visit home, which really should be more often. The day I arrive, she's manically excited. The next, she's excited and a little sad because she can't stop thinking about how much she missed me. Over the rest of the days, the sadness increases and excitement decreases. She cries a lot the last day.

My emotions are simpler. I just feel guiltier and guiltier as the visit goes on.

Max and I fly to New York tomorrow, and more than half of my body mass is pure guilt.

"You two don't want to stay any longer?" Mom asks over eggs and toast. "I don't see why you can't do your jobs from here."

Up until now, I always had a reason why I was leaving. School, work. I don't have an excuse for tomorrow's departure, not one that won't hurt her feelings.

"I still have the apartment in New York for another two months. I need to pack up my stuff," I say guiltily. That will take a week tops.

"And you're renting after?"

Max and I have explained the concept of Airbnb about fifty times. Mom really doesn't understand. I guess if you're from the middle of nowhere, the whole notion of a vacationing stranger wanting to stay in your house doesn't make much sense.

"Yes. You could visit if there's anywhere you wanted to go," I tell her.

"We take suggestions," Max adds.

Mom's cheeks flush. "Actually, Mia, I have a little trip planned for next month."

I guess the book club is going on a literary retreat. "Where are the ladies taking you, Mom?" I ask, feeling a rush of gratitude for my mom's friends. I'll feel like less of a jerk if I know she has something to look forward to after I leave.

A huge smile spreads across Mom's face, and my jaw drops. "Mom!" I squeal. "What's his name?!"

Mom's cheeks resemble overripe tomatoes, the kind that explode if you grasp them too firmly. "You've met before. Bill Greene."

I wrack my brain, trying to remember where I've heard the name Bill Greene. It definitely sounds familiar. I start to ask whose dad he is, but then I remember. Mr. Greene. Homeroom Mr. Greene. He hated me.

"How long has this been going on?" Max asks. So perceptive. He definitely knew I was about to do something stupid, like inform my mother that her boyfriend confiscated my phone a couple dozen times throughout high school.

"Oh, a couple months now. He's very nice. He had lots of good things to say about you, Mia."

I doubt that.

"Where's the trip?" Max continues.

"Hawaii." Mom grins so widely I think her face might explode. This is adorable. "Bill's arranged all the activities. We're going to hike a volcano, relax on the beach, go snorkeling... I'll have him tell you about it. He's coming over for lunch. I hope you didn't have plans."

I was hoping Mom would go out with the ladies so I could fuck my fiancé, but this is also exciting. Exciting in an entirely different way, but exciting nonetheless. "Nope. No plans," I confirm. "When's he getting here?"

"Oh, he's an early bird. Lunch for him is ten in the morning usually!" Mom pauses to shake her head lovingly. "I made him wait until noon. Only for you, Mia. And Max. Max and Mia. Your names are very cute together."

"Mom, don't get all sappy on me," I groan before Max can say something nice and conversational.

"Thank you, Laurie," Max adds. He's such a charmer. Ugh.

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