23. Reasons I Signed a Waiver

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Writing my list while in a love triangle was difficult. Writing my list while no longer in said love triangle is, well, more difficult. I'm tempted to scribble Max's name twice and call it a day, but the producers are already angry enough with us that we really need to pick our battles from here on out.

Elijah is a no for obvious reasons. Julian, also no. Still not a fan after he made out with Claire on the beach the morning after sleeping with Maddie. I won't put Levi; he's with Maddie, and I think he's irked that I chose Max over Elijah, even though he's been polite enough since the Thursday morning disaster. That leaves me with Hunter and Finn. I yelled at Hunter to get himself a towel yesterday, so I think it's safe to say I won't be on his list. As for Finn, well, I think we've talked twice in the entire time he's been here.

Enlisted needs new blood.

I go with Max and Hunter. Max first, of course.

Maddie meets me by the villa door after we fill out our lists. "Is it bad I don't want to be here anymore?" she whispers.

I shake my head. I haven't mentioned that Max and I tried to quit the show. Maddie isn't the petty type; I know she isn't upset I chose Max over Elijah, but I feel like blatantly rubbing our relationship in her face isn't the best idea.

"No, I want the same, honestly. You and Levi might get sent home because you've been together for a while," I say.

"I hope. This is getting to be too much." She sighs. "I just want to, like, start a life with him. No more of this reality B.S."

"Start a life with him?!" I exclaim. That's a new development.

She sighs again. "He's legit perfect, Mia, and guess what! He told me he loves me last night."

"Oh, my gosh, Maddie!" I squeal. "That's so exciting. Did you say it back?"

"Duh. He's perfect. He's even going to move down to Florida from Alaska after this. He's a personal trainer, and there's a bigger market for that in Miami than Anchorage. No one in Alaska needs a bikini body, you know?"

We erupt into happy giggles. "You guys are going to get marr—oh, my God, I have news too!" Before I can elaborate, we step into the silent cabana.

"Tell me tomorrow," Maddie whispers. "Breakfast. No boys."

"Love it," I reply.

Danny gives his opening spiel that I've pretty much memorized by now, finally ending with, "This has been an exciting week on the Enlisted set, so we won't keep you waiting any longer. Mia, you're on the list."

I step forward. Max, who's also on the list, shoots me a smile, and I blush.

"Levi, you're on the list. Serena, you're on the list. Hunter, you're on the list. Maddie, you're off the list."

Even Danny's booming voice can't cover the gasps and whispers. Maddie's eyes fill with tears as she takes a small step backwards, looking at Levi with an expression of pure hurt.

"Baby, I swear—" Levi starts.

"Adriana, you're off the list. Lila, you're on the list. Elijah, you're on the list. Finn, you're on the list. Natalie, you're on the list. Julian, you're on the list. We'll be back with who's staying in our couple's cabins after these commercial messages." Danny winks at the camera, and Maddie dissolves into tears.

She doesn't know that the producers are fucking with us, I realize. "Maddie, listen—"

A huge hand connects with my chest. I stumble backwards, about to topple over, but two strong arms catch me. When I look up, Max isn't standing over me like I expected. Levi is holding me up.

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